Design and simulation of a compact ultra-wideband bandpass filter with a notched band using multiple

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunplusit
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A novel, compact, and highly selective ultra-wideband(UWB) bandpass filter with a narrow notched band is presented. Apart from having a basic structure of a slotline multiple-mode resonator(MMR) and microstrip feed lines, this novel design introduces a cross-coupling between the input and output feed lines to enhance the filter selectivity. The design strictly follows the theory and verified by electromagnetic(EM) simulation and experiments. In addition, the narrow notched band is introduced by embedding a pair of split ring resonators(SRR) in order to reject any undesired existing radio signals that may interfere with the Federal Communications Commission(FCC)-defined UWB band. By changing the structural parameters of SRR, it can be easily tuned to any desired frequency. This filter can be integrated in UWB communication systems and efficiently improve the interference immunity from undesired signals such as wireless local area network(WLAN). A novel, compact, and highly selective ultra-wideband (UWB) bandpass filter with a narrow notched band is presented. Apart from having a basic structure of a slotline multiple-mode resonator (MMR) and microstrip feed lines, this novel design introduces a cross-coupling between the input and output feed lines to enhance the filter selectivity. The design strictly follows the theory and verified by electromagnetic (EM) simulation and experiments. In addition, the narrow notched band is introduced by embedding a pair of split ring resonators (SRR) in order to reject any undesired existing radio signals that may interfere with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) -defined UWB band. By changing the structural parameters of SRR, it can be easily tuned to any desired frequency. This filter can be integrated in UWB communication systems and efficiently improve the interference immunity from undesired signals like as wireless local area network (WLAN).
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