Using two-pass friction stir processing to produce nanocrystalline microstructure in AZ61 magnesium

来源 :Science in China(Series E:Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abcchencj
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Despite their interesting properties,nanostructured materials have found limited use as a result of the cost of preparation and the difficulty in scaling up.Herein,a two-pass friction stir processing(FSP)technique is employed to refine grain sizes to a nanoscale.Nanocrystalline AZ61 Mg alloy with an av-erage grain size of less than 100nm was successfully obtained using FSP.Corresponding to this,the highest microhardness of the nano-grained region reached triple times that of AZ61 substrate.In prin-ciple,by applying multiple overlapping passes,it should be possible to produce any desired size thin sheet of nanostructure using this technique.We expect that the FSP technique may pave a way to large-scale structural applications of nanostructured metals and alloys. Despite their interesting properties, nanostructured materials have found limited use as a result of the cost of preparation and the difficulty in scaling up. Herein, a two-pass friction stir processing (FSP) technique is employed to refine grain sizes to a nanoscale. Nanocrystalline AZ61 Mg alloy with an av-erage grain size of less than 100 nm was successfully obtained using FSP.Corresponding to this, the highest microhardness of the nano-grained region reached triple times that of AZ61 substrate.In prin-ciple, by applying multiple overlapping passes, it should be possible to produce any desired size thin sheet of nanostructure using this technique. We expect that the FSP technique may pave a way to large-scale structural applications of nanostructured metals and alloys.
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