充分利用信息资源 认真编制卫生防疫统计年鉴

来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:promethean65
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卫生防疫年鉴,是将所辖地区本年度的行政管理、疾病监测控制以及卫生监督监测等卫生防疫信息,利用卫生统计知识,进行实事求是、科学、系统地汇总和分析,综合反映所辖地区的各级卫生防疫机构的工作数量、质量以及社会经济效益情况的综合性信息集;一本优秀的卫生防疫统计年鉴的制作,对编制人员的素质,所需的仪器设备,所包括卫生防疫工作的内容以及各个方面的协调配合要求很高;本文从年鉴制作的人员设备以及年鉴包含的内容和分析方法方式等方面谈谈作者的看法和体会,以便更好地利用卫生防疫统计信息,使其发挥更好地作用。 The health and epidemic prevention yearbook is the information on health and epidemic prevention in the areas under its jurisdiction such as administration, disease monitoring and control, and health supervision and monitoring. It uses knowledge of health statistics to conduct factual, scientific, and systematic summaries and analysis, and comprehensively reflects the levels of the areas under its jurisdiction. Comprehensive information sets on the number, quality, and socio-economic benefits of the work of the health and anti-epidemic agencies; the production of an excellent yearbook of health and epidemic prevention statistics, the quality of the preparation personnel, the necessary equipment and equipment, and the content of the work on health and epidemic prevention as well as The coordination and cooperation in all aspects is very demanding; this article talks about the author’s views and experiences from the aspects of staffing and equipment produced by the yearbook, the contents contained in the yearbook, and analysis methods, in order to make better use of the statistics on health and epidemic prevention to make it better Ground effect.
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丙型肝炎病毒 (HCV)非结构蛋白 NS3共有 6 31个氨基酸组成 ,具有丝氨酸蛋白酶和三磷酸核苷酶 (NTPase)和螺旋酶 (Helicase)的功能 ,在 HCV多聚蛋白的成熟和病毒复制过程中发
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