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在全国人民迎香港回归的时日里,山东省书法家协会、山东画院、山东省老年大学、山东省博物馆等单位联合举办了杜显震先生书法作品展。省、市有关领导同志、书画名家、各界名士及广大书法爱好者1000多人参加了开幕式,盛况空前。人们对杜先生爱国热忱、书法成就及其书法教学所做出的贡献赞叹不已。杜显震先生怀着强烈的爱国热情以不同形式不同书体写下许多呕歌祖国大好山河、颂扬历代志士仁人的篇章。其中草书六屏文天祥的《正气歌》,深沉而苍劲,戚继光、林则徐、康有为、秋瑾等人的爱国诗句草书轴笔卷千峰,令人振奋。为迎接香港回归,他又书写了《两制畅想曲》、《联欢浮想》、《“九七”阵阵响春雷》等内容感人、翰墨动人的佳作。他说:“写诗要有感受与激情,书法两者都要,还要有双倍的精气神。”他的书作正是此三者的完美结合。 In the days when the people of the whole country welcomed the return of Hong Kong, the Calligraphers Association of Shandong Province, Shandong Painting Academy, Shandong Provincial Senile University and Shandong Provincial Museum jointly organized the calligraphy exhibition of Mr. Du Xianzhen. At the opening ceremony, more than 1,000 leaders, provincial leaders and famous calligraphers and calligraphers, celebrities from all walks of life and the majority of calligraphic enthusiasts attended the opening ceremony. People marveled at Mr. Du’s patriotic enthusiasm, his achievements in calligraphy and his contribution to calligraphy teaching. With strong patriotic enthusiasm, Mr. Du Xianzhen wrote many great mountains and rivers that soothe the motherland in different forms and different styles, and praised the chapters of ancient people with lofty ideals. One of the cursive six screen Wen Tianxiang’s “righteous song”, deep and vigorous, Qi Jiguang, Lin Zexu, Kang Youwei, Qiu Jin and others patriotic poetry pen scroll Qianfeng, exhilarating. In order to welcome the return of Hong Kong, he also wrote touching and touching works such as “Two-Way Fantasia”, “Fantasizing”, “97” and “Spring Thunder”. He said: “There must be feeling and passion for writing poetry, calligraphy both, but also double the spirit. ” His book is the perfect combination of these three.
采用吡咯啶二硫代氨基甲酸胺(APDC)—氯仿体系作提取剂,氢化物发生—原子吸光光谱法测定,对成分复杂的海水中的不同形态砷进行了分离测定。 Pyridine dithiocarbamate (APDC
公里的设计过程中,要考虑到从安全、生态环境、美观、实用性等方方面面,这些都要融入到了现代公路设计理念中去,本文将对目前流行的几种公路设计理念进行详细的介绍。 In th
Background. In this paper, we report a case of primary squamous cell carcinoma of the endometrium (PSCCE) with immunohistochemical and molecular study to evalua
Objective To assess whether the detection of the meiotic spindle could anticipate the appear- ance of early cleavage. Methods Oocytes were obtained from stimula