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武宣境内的观赏石资源品种较多。按观赏要素可以划分为以下几类:图纹石类主要有国画石(山采石类)、金纹石(水石类);造型石类主要有武宣摩尔石、红石黑石、彩陶石、金黄石(水石类)以及墨石、方解石(山石类);化石类有鹗头贝、珊瑚等。武宣县开发观赏石的时间较早,自上世纪90年代中期就已经开始将国画石推入市场。当时其他石种的开发较少,所以国画石在武宣和柳州都占有较大市场,最盛时约占观赏石市场交易总量的三分之一。当其他地方的 Wushu territory of ornamental stone resources more varieties. According to viewing elements can be divided into the following categories: pattern stone mainly Chinese stone (mountain quarrying), gold stone (water stone); stone molding are Wu Xuan Moore stone, red stone black stone, colored stone, gold Yellowstone (water stone), and ink stone, calcite (rocks); fossils such as scallop shellfish, coral and so on. Wuxuan County, the development of ornamental stones earlier time, since the mid-90s of last century has already started to push the national stone market. At that time, there was less development of other stone species, so the traditional Chinese painting stone occupied a larger market in Wuxuan and Liuzhou, accounting for about one third of the total amount of the stone market transactions in its peak. When in other places
  It is well known that active neurogenesis occurs through life in the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus (DG) in adult hippocampus of mice and human
本期走基层,带您走进阿勒泰地区的福海县、北屯市以及富蕴县,领略这里的独特风情,欣赏这里的魅力之石,聆听石友的心声,共同探讨发展之路 This issue walks through the gras
华新集团顺应全球化之发展潮流 ,大力开拓国际市场。其中中国内地更是华新集团实施国际化经营的战略要点 ,目前已在内地投资近 3亿美元 ,在上海、南京、杭州、武汉等地建立了
  Aim: To investigate the time window of the brain protective role of limb ischemic preconditioning (LIP) in CA 1 hippocampus in brain ischemic reperfusion mo
引言 温州蜜柑是栽培较广的无核柑桔种,其无核性是雄性不育所引起,具有重要的经济价值。但是雄性不育性也给一些遗传育种研究带来了障碍,如花粉形态研究以及利用温州蜜柑作
  Objective: To investigate the protective effects of different concentration of Ethyl Acetate (EA) extract from Chroogomphus on the degenerated dopaminergic