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1971年,我在北京军委空军司令部指挥所指挥连任副政治指导员。所处的单位正如空军首长告诫的那样“是空军跳动的心脏,作战指挥的中心”。我们连肩负的任务是航空标图,将下属各空军区雷达所发现的敌我空情目标,及时、准确地标在作战图板上,供首长纵观全局,正确判断,定下决心,是指挥作战的千里眼、顺风耳。 我十分清楚地记得:1971年9月12日,吃罢晚饭后,大约在19点30分,指挥所给连部打来电话,说:“今晚21点有一架专机,请值班连首长马上到指挥所带班”。 我接到命令迅速跑到指挥所值班室,首先看到空情预报板上写着:21:00点256号从北京——山海关。不言而喻,在这里的同志都知道,这是林彪的专机。 In 1971, I was commanded as deputy political instructor at the command post of Air Force Command of Beijing Military Region. The unit in question, as the Air Force chief warned, “is the beating heart of the Air Force and the center of combat commanders.” We even shoulder the task of aeronautical mapping, the air force subordinate radar found in the enemy’s enemy objectives, timely and accurately marked on the battle plank for the head of the overall situation, the correct judgment, is determined to command the battle Clairvoyant, downwind ears. I remember very clearly: On September 12, 1971, after dinner, at about 19:30, the command post called the ministry and said: “There is a special plane at 21 o’clock tonight, please go to the head of duty To the command post with the class. ” I received an order quickly ran to the command post duty room, first of all to see the Air Force forecast board reads: 21:00 256 from Beijing - Shanhaiguan. It goes without saying that all the comrades here know that this is Lin Biao’s special plane.
石磺科贝类属于软体动物门,肺螺亚纲,缩眼目,石磺超科。在我国主要有5属6种,目前研究比较多的主要有4种:紫色疣石磺(Peronia verruculata)、里氏拟石磺(Paraoncidium reevesii)、
选派青年干部下基层锻炼,是加快培养和造就跨世纪领导人才的重要途径.但从实践看,选派青年干部下基层锻炼,还存在着三方面的障碍,需要加以重视并认真克服. The selection of
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本文通过对博物馆观众视觉心理的解析,研究不同人群的兴趣点以及参观动机,进而总结出博物馆审美愉悦环境设计的方案。 Through the analysis of the visual psychology of t