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矿产资源是国家的宝贵财富和社会主义建设的重要物质基础。保护和合理利用矿产资源是国家一项极为重要的技术经济政策。近年来,不断发现有些单位不经批准随意开矿,有些农村社队及社员非法进入国营矿区,乱采乱挖偷抢矿石,不仅严重影响国营矿山的生产和安全,而且严重破坏矿产资源,给国家造成巨大浪费和损失。一些国营矿山,也不适宜地追产值、追利润、追产量,只顾眼前利益,不管保护和合理利用资源,也存在着乱采乱挖的现象。据有关部门统计,有的矿种的平均开采损失率为40~60%,有一多半资源被浪费丢弃,后果是严重的。本刊登载下面两篇呼吁重视保护矿产资源的文章,反映了浙江、湖北两省的情况,在其他省(自治区)也有类似情况,有的事例更为典型。如:海城滑石矿、吕梁地区石棉矿,因社队农民挖矿所产生的矛盾是相当突出的。陈汉新、杜善中两同志的建议,会引起各有关部门重视,特别是要引起各级政府部门的重视。目前,有关开发利用资源的法规正在制定,在国家尚未公布之前,有的省、市(自治区)已结合本地区制定了保护和利用矿产资源的规定,这将为制止乱采乱挖,加强对开采矿产资源的管理是有好处的。 Mineral resources are an important material foundation for the country’s precious wealth and socialist construction. The protection and rational use of mineral resources is a very important technical and economic policy of the country. In recent years, it has been discovered that some units have arbitrarily mined their products without approval. Some rural communes and social workers illegally enter the state-owned mining areas and indiscriminately digging out and stealing ore. This not only seriously affects the production and safety of state-owned mines but also seriously damages mineral resources to the country Resulting in huge waste and loss. Some state-owned mines are also not suitable for chasing production value, chasing profits and chasing production, and they are only concerned with the immediate interests. Regardless of the protection and rational use of resources, there are also phenomena of indiscriminate digging. According to the statistics of relevant departments, some mines have an average mining loss rate of 40-60%. Most of the resources are wasted and discarded. The consequences are serious. Articles published in the following two articles calling for emphasis on the protection of mineral resources, reflecting the situation in Zhejiang and Hubei provinces, similar cases in other provinces (autonomous regions), some more typical. Such as: Haicheng talc mine, Luliang area asbestos mine, due to the contradictions of the commune and peasant digging is quite prominent. The suggestions of Chen Hanxin and Du Shanzhong’s two comrades will draw the attention of all relevant departments, especially the government departments at all levels. At present, laws and regulations concerning the development and utilization of resources are being formulated. Some provinces and municipalities (autonomous regions) have formulated the provisions for the protection and utilization of mineral resources in the region before the state has promulgated their promulgation. Mining mineral resources management is good.
高校图书馆教育职能与“三个代表”有机结合是进入新世纪后图书馆又一个重要职能的深化,本文研究了一些我 馆运作机能和工作经验。 The organic combination of the educati
目的 利用计算机流体力学(CFD)软件分析基于刚性假设的颈内动脉弯曲部位局部血流动力学因素与动脉瘤形成的关系。方法 收集石家庄市第一医院神经外科2013.12-2015.12收治的颅内
目前,能够用于化学工业和采矿工业的安全火花测量回路的测量技术和防爆性能主要取决于电源部分的特性。在安全火花技术中,现用的最简单的电源装置示于图1a。随着负荷电阻 Rt
目的:探讨动脉粥样硬化性颅内血管重度狭窄部位的分布特点,及与危险因素的相关性,并对前、后循环危险因素进行对比分析,为临床提供防止其引起缺血性脑卒中(Ischemic Stroke I
金堆城钼业公司于1982年3月以 FLotoib 为起泡剂,煤油为捕收剂,对安山玢岩型辉钼矿矿石进行了选矿工业试验。试验结果表明:FLotoib 和煤油配合使用,与2号油和煤油配合使用相