抓住关键 真用实管 努力增强民兵刊授教育效果

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秋风送爽,又到一年订刊时,《中国民兵》杂志是我国惟一的面向全国广大人武干部和民兵、预备役人员,以宣传国防后备力量建设为内容的工作指导类专业期刊,按总参动员部、总政办公厅《关于重申订阅<中国民兵>杂志和<中国国防报>范围的通知》精神,《中国民兵》杂志要订到各乡(镇)、厂矿企事业单位武装部、民兵连、民兵哨所和预备役部队连(含连)以上单位;省军区、军分区、县(市、区)人武部党委第一书记和各级人民武装委员会成员;各人民武装学校(院);组建有民兵对口专业分队的大学,为搞好《中国民兵》杂志的订刊用刊工作,提高民兵、预备役人员的刊授教育效果,进而提高民兵、预备役部队的政治教育质量,省军区系统对这一工作十分重视,涌现出了山东省军区、河南省军区、江苏省军区和江苏省苏州军分区、山东省聊城军分区、河南省南阳军分区、湖南省娄底军分区等许多刊授教育先进单位。为进一步搞好2003年度的订刊用工作,保证各地刊授教育有一个可靠的、权威的载体,编辑部摘编了山东省军区政治部、江苏省军区、河北省石家庄军分区、河南省南阳军分区等单位做好刊授教育的先进经验和做法,以供大家相互交流刊授教育工作经验,进一步搞好刊授教育工作。 When the autumn winds cool and the year reposes, the “Chinese militia” magazine is the only professional periodical in China that guides work for the vast majority of people’s armed forces cadres, militia and reservists throughout the country and propagandizes the building of national defense reserve forces. According to the General Staff Mobilization department and general administration office “, the” China Militia “magazine should be issued to all townships (towns), factories and mines, armed forces of enterprises and militias, and militiamen in order to reiterate the notice on the scope of subscribing to the” Chinese militia “magazine and the” Chinese national defense newspaper. “ (Including even with more units); provincial military region, military sub-district, county (city, district) first secretary of the armed forces and the armed forces at all levels of the armed forces committee; the people’s armed schools (homes); set up The militia and military counterparts detachment of universities, in order to do a good job, ”China’s militia" magazine publication periodicals work to improve the publication of militia, reserve personnel education effectiveness, and thus improve the militia, reserve forces political education quality, the provincial military system of this The work attaches great importance to the emergence of the Shandong Military Region, Henan Military Region, Jiangsu Military Region and Jiangsu Province, Suzhou Military Region, Shandong Liaocheng Army Division, Henan Nanyang Army Division Loudi Army District, Hunan Province, and many other titles of advanced education unit. In order to further improve the 2003 edition of the work with the publication of education to ensure that all over the education has a reliable, authoritative carrier, the editorial department excerpted Shandong Provincial Military District Political Department, Jiangsu Province Military Region, Shijiazhuang Military Region of Hebei Province, Nanyang Military Region of Henan Province And other units do a good job in the education of advanced experience and practices for everyone to exchange views on education work experience, to further improve the publication of education.