
来源 :中国肿瘤生物治疗杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:danshenguizu920
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目的 :摸索一种适合于中试生产的点突变重组人 β干扰素 ( 17Ser IFN β)发酵与纯化工艺。 方法 :研究不同培养基和热诱导时间对17Ser IFN β表达的影响 ;观察pH、蛋白浓度和层析条件对17Ser IFN β纯化的影响。 结果 :17Ser IFN β工程菌在含甘油、酪蛋白水解物及微量元素的M9培养基中 ,17Ser IFN β表达量明显增加。灰度扫描显示热诱导 4h后的表达量最高 ,目的蛋白可达菌体总蛋白的 2 0 %以上。17Ser IFN β可以相对特异性地被仲丁醇抽提至有机相中 ,纯度达 80 % ,经S2 0 0凝胶过滤柱层析后纯度达 90 % ,用G2 5柱转换缓冲液 ,使缓冲液pH值 >8,同时去除缓冲液中的还原剂DTT ,将复性后的样品用C4反相柱层析进行精制 ,最终获得纯度 >98%和比活性 >3× 10 7U/mg的17Ser IFN β制品。 结论 :成功地建立了注射用新型重组人 β 干扰素的中试生产工艺 ,为随后进行的临床前研究及临床试验打下基础。 Objective: To explore a point mutation recombinant human interferon (17Ser IFN β) fermentation and purification process suitable for pilot production. Methods: The effects of different media and heat induction time on the expression of 17Ser IFN-beta were studied. The effects of pH, protein concentration and chromatographic conditions on the purification of 17Ser IFN-beta were observed. Results : The 17Ser IFN β engineered bacteria significantly increased the expression of 17Ser IFN β in M9 medium containing glycerol, casein hydrolysates and trace elements. Gray-scale scanning showed that the expression level was highest after heat induction for 4 h, and the target protein reached more than 20 % of total bacterial proteins. 17Ser IFN beta can be specifically extracted by secondary butanol to the organic phase with a purity of 80% and a purity of 90% after S2 0 0 gel filtration column chromatography. The buffer is converted by G2 5 column to buffer. The pH value of the solution is higher than 8 and the reducing agent DTT in the buffer is removed. The refolded sample is purified by C4 reversed-phase column chromatography to finally obtain 17Ser with a purity of >98% and a specific activity of >3×10 7 U/mg. IFN beta products. Conclusion : The pilot production process of a novel recombinant human interferon beta for injection was successfully established, laying the foundation for the subsequent preclinical studies and clinical trials.
在《轻兵器》杂志2000年第7、8期上,曾连续刊载了《杰出的高射速武器— —加特林式机枪》一文。文中提到,金陵兵工厂1884年就仿制生产了美国M1883 加特林机枪,并配有一张插图——一挺架在独轮车上的加特林机枪。由此我想到:当时的工匠技师并不是一味单纯地仿制,而是融入了自己的独创——将原来 M1883型的三轮炮车式的结构改为中国式的独轮小推车。这一改进,不但为加特林武器系统增添了一种新的型式,而
一大早收到香港朋友的email,他们圣诞放假四天,要去海南岛度假。呵呵,Merry Christmas!   当读者拿到这一期的时候,恐怕都在策划着新春佳节了。今天,是2003年12月24日星期三,今晚,是圣诞前夕的平安夜。这一期的《编辑心语》轮到我了。挣扎到了现在,都不知道写什么……干脆,写写我在这一天的生活吧   早上7点50一踏进武警站岗的大门,耳朵就开始享受我们广播室一年都没换过的怀旧歌曲