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地方法治建设评估是伴随着地方法治建设的进程而出现的新生事物,它是服务于并嵌入地方法治进程中的。多年前,地方法治建设评估的实践在我国多地区已经展开,余杭、香港、昆明是开展较早且具有代表性的地区。总体而言,我国地方法治建设评估已经取得了一定的成效,其对地方法治建设的积极推动作用已经显现出来,在社会上也产生了较大的影响。但目前地方法治建设评估也面临着一些困境,主要表现为:地方法治建设评估理论研究滞后导致评估体系设计的准确性不足;评估主体中立性和独立性的不足影响到地方法治建设评估的公信力;地方法治建设评估程序无法满足主体对于准确评价客体的需要。推广和深入推进地方法治建设评估,应当理性审视法治建设评估结果、科学设置评估要素和程序、选择相对客观中立的评估主体。 The evaluation of the construction of the local rule by law is a new-born thing that accompanies the progress of the construction of local laws and rules. It serves and embeds the rule of law in the local area. Many years ago, the practice of assessing the construction of the local rule of law has started in many regions of our country. Yuhang, Hong Kong and Kunming are the earlier and representative areas. In general, the evaluation of the local law-based construction in our country has achieved some success. The active promotion of the construction of the law by the local government has been revealed. It has also had a great impact in the society. However, the current assessment of the construction of the rule of law also faces some difficulties, mainly as follows: the lag in the research on the assessment of the construction of the local rule of law leads to the lack of accuracy in the design of the evaluation system; the lack of neutrality and independence in the assessment of the main body affects the credibility of the assessment of the construction of the local rule of law; The local assessment of the rule of law construction procedure can not meet the needs of the subject for the accurate evaluation of the object. To promote and deepen the assessment of the construction of local laws and regulations, we should rationally examine the assessment results of the construction of the rule of law, set the evaluation elements and procedures scientifically, and select the relatively objective and neutral evaluation subjects.