
来源 :中国肿瘤临床 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sad_pacific
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患者女,30岁。左拇指末端阵发性疼痛7年,呈跳痛或胀痛,每月发作1~2次,每次持续半至数小时,昼夜发作,无明显诱因。服止痛片效果不明显,但可自行缓解。近1年疼痛发作频繁,近1月呈持续性,不能忍受。于1988年3月10日来院就诊。局部检查:左拇指末节软组织不肿,皮色、皮温均无异常。指甲及甲床无异常。局部触痛明显。X线显示:左拇指末节指骨远端偏屈侧部位有约黄豆大小的密度减低阴影,边缘硬化(图)。X线诊断为骨表皮囊肿。行搔刮术。术中甲床及指腹软组织均未见肿块。将病灶开窗刮出淡红色肉芽样组织。病理组织学检查见瘤组织中散布较多小血管,管腔挤压变形,内衬正常内 Female patient, 30 years old. The paroxysmal pain at the end of the left thumb was painful or painful for 7 years. The attack lasted 1 or 2 times a month, lasted for half to several hours, and had a diurnal attack with no obvious cause. The effect of pain relief tablets is not obvious, but it can relieve itself. Pain episodes were frequent in the past 1 year, and were persistent in the last month and could not be tolerated. He came to the hospital on March 10, 1988. Local examination: The soft tissue in the distal segment of the left thumb was not swollen, and there was no abnormality in skin color and skin temperature. There is no abnormality in nails and nail beds. Local tenderness is obvious. X-rays showed that the density of the soybeans at the distal flexion side of the distal part of the left thumb was reduced by the density of soybeans, and the edges were hardened (Figure). X-ray diagnosis of bone epidermal cysts. Scrape. There was no lump in the nail bed and pulp tissue during surgery. The lesions were opened to light reddish granulation tissue. Histopathological examination revealed that there were more small blood vessels in the tumor tissue, and the lumen was deformed by compression and the inner lining was normal.
胃的消化性溃疡与胃癌的关系是一个有争议的问题。我们从本院1969~1988年5月手术切除的胃标本中,选择取材切片基本符合“慢性胃溃疡癌变的 The relationship between gastri
本文报告我室在直接制片法方法学研究的基础上对脑转移癌和某些良性病所进行的染色体分析。 一、材料和方法 1.病例 1987.10~1988.4本院脑外科手术3例脑转移癌(肺鳞癌、食道
1.宾夕法尼亚州的好时(Hershey)巧克力世界在这里,巧克力爱好者可以登上免费的游览车,游览模拟巧克力工厂,看看好时巧克力的生产过程;也可包装自己的“好时 1. The Hershey