
来源 :中国儿童保健杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wolf12066
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目的对新疆7~12岁柯尔克孜族儿童的体质状况进行分析,以促进他们体质与健康水平,为改善学校体育卫生工作提供依据。方法对2000年和2010年全国体质调研新疆地区2 073名柯尔克孜族7~12岁学生的身体形态、身体机能、身体素质指标进行分析及比较。结果 10年间,柯尔克孜族女生身高和男女生的速度素质有所提高外,其他均下降。2010年与2000年相比,男生身高下降0.10cm、女生提高0.86cm,男女体重分别平均下降了1.23kg和0.75kg;身体机能指标中肺活量呈下降趋势,分别平均下降了179.08ml和162.52ml;身体素质指标中50m跑成绩分别提高了0.92s和0.65s,立定跳远成绩分别平均下降了3.42cm和4.76cm,耐力跑成绩分别平均下降了8.52s和8.61s。结论10年间新疆7~12岁柯尔克孜族儿童体质健康水平均下降,需采取全面、有效的措施促进他们体质健康水平的提高。 Objective To analyze the constitutional status of Kirgiz children aged 7-12 in Xinjiang in order to promote their physique and health, and to provide the basis for improving school health hygiene. Methods The body shape, body function and physical fitness of 2 073 Kirgiz students from 7 to 12 years old in 2000 and 2010 were investigated and compared. Results During the 10 years, the female students in the Kirgizs increased their height and the quality of their boys and girls, others declined. Compared with 2000, the boys’ height decreased by 0.10cm in 2010 and that of girls increased by 0.86cm. The body weight of men and women decreased by 1.23kg and 0.75kg on average respectively. The vital capacity of body function decreased gradually with the average decrease of 179.08ml and 162.52ml respectively. Physical fitness indicators in the 50m run results increased by 0.92s and 0.65s, standing long jump results were an average decline of 3.42cm and 4.76cm, endurance run results decreased by an average of 8.52s and 8.61s. Conclusion The physical health of children from 7 to 12 years old in Kirgiz of Xinjiang is declining in 10 years, and comprehensive and effective measures should be taken to promote their physical health.
童话故事最初被视为成人的娱乐,通常在一些成人聚会的社交场合传递.直到19 世纪,童话才成为儿童文学,甚至成为一生都在左右人的神秘力量.它的魅力之所以持久不衰,是因为它能