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现行离休条件现行的离休条件是:对建国前参加中国共产党所领导的革命战争的、脱产享受供给制待遇的和从事地下革命工作的老干部,达到离职休养年龄的,实行离职休养的制度。在东北和个别老解放区,1948年前参加革命工作,享受当地政府制定的薪金制待遇的干部,可以离休。“供给制”和“包干制”供给制是革命战争年代及建国初期实行的一种分配制度,主要包括:(1) 伙食按规定享受小灶、中灶、大灶;(2) 服装、棉被等生活用品;(2) 极少的普通津贴费。实行部分供给、部分工资制的(含包干制),可视为供给制。除此之外,其它支付形式不属于供给制。建国前享受过供给制待遇,也享受过薪金制待遇的,按享受供给制待遇对待。在供给制的基础上,增加必须的城市生活费用, The current conditions for retiring the current retirement conditions are: For those veteran cadres who participated in the revolutionary war led by the Chinese Communist Party before the founding of the People’s Republic of China and who enjoyed full supply of supplies and engaged in underground revolutionary work, the system of leaving and recuperating after reaching the retirement age has been implemented. In the northeast and in some old liberated areas, cadres who took part in revolutionary work before 1948 and enjoyed the salary treatment formulated by the local government could leave. Supply system and supply system are the distribution system implemented in the era of the revolutionary war and the founding of the People’s Republic of China. They mainly include: (1) meals enjoy the small stoves, medium stoves and large stoves as required; (2) household items such as clothing and quilts ; (2) Few ordinary allowance fees. The implementation of partial supply, part of the wage system (including dry), can be regarded as the supply system. In addition, other forms of payment do not belong to the supply system. Before the founding of the People enjoyed the system of supply, but also enjoyed the salary system, and enjoyed the supply system treatment. On the basis of the supply system, increase the necessary urban living expenses,
蓖麻油在医药与工业上经济价值很高,植株适于我区生长,近年来种植面积不断扩大。1983年以来,对蓖麻上发现的白粉病进行了病原鉴定,现将结果报告如下。 Castor oil in the p
【正】 前几年,荆门市直行政经费支出平均每年增长幅度在22%以上,年终决算几乎家家突破预算。1990年实行包干后,绝大多数单位都没有突破包干指标并略有结余。据统计,1990年市
税务人员经常遇到这种情况;纳税企业的厂长、经理们总是在强调这里有困难,那里有困难,务之,一句话:没钱缴税。 企业真到了无钱缴税的地步吗? 请看笔者观察到的几个镜头:某厂
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