鉴评实例二 蓑翁翔鹤

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石头的条件好不好,责任不完全在石,还与人有关。角度没选对,条件就不好;角度选对了,条件自然就好。原石所具有的某些自然条件固存于原石之中,不管你发现了还是没有发现,它们都是客观存在的。此外,原石条件的好坏,除了是否选对了表现角度之外,还与我们的合理运用与发挥有关。亦即说,即便是角度选对了,而我们并没有加以合理的运用,或所立之意与原石角度形态不符,由于原石角度形态条件并不支持我们立意的主题,那么给人的印像依然是原石条件不好,其实明眼人很清楚,不是原石条件不好。而是我们运用得不好。眼前的雅石作品,作者选择了一个足以支持其立意的优秀的石体角度形态,并进行了合理的运用创作。 The condition of the stone is good, the responsibility is not completely in the stone, but also with people. The angle is not selected, the conditions are not good; point of view right, the condition is natural. Some of the natural conditions that the rough stone holds are embedded in the rough stone, and they are objectively found whether you discover it or not. In addition, the rough conditions, in addition to the performance of the election on the point of view, but also with our rational use and play. That is to say, even if the angle is selected, and we do not make reasonable use of it, or the meaning of the stone does not conform to that of the original stone, the original impression of the stone Is still a bad condition of the original stone, in fact, clear-eyed people are very clear, not the rough conditions are not good. But we use well. In front of the elegant stone work, the author chose a sufficient enough to support its conception of the fine stone angle form, and made a reasonable use of creation.
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