How to find true friends

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  What are the qualities(品质) of a good friend? True friendships can start at any moment but they take time to build. Here are a few qualities to look for when making friends as a teen.
  1. A good friend is honest (好朋友是诚实的).
  A good friend may not tell each other everything of every second of their life, but they do try to be clear about what the other is thinking. This means that they try to present a correct and true picture of who they are and of different situations. When something doesn’t seem right, they let you know.
  2. A good friend is fun and special (好朋友是有趣而独特的).
  OK, this is probably the reason you can become friends in the first place. But there’s a lot to be said for common interests. As for fun, it depends on how you explain it: Some friends are fun because they’re the life of the party, others are fun because they notice every strange little thing about a situation. Some people are fun simply because they see life like no one else does.
  3. A good friend is attentive and able to change (好朋友体贴细心,而且能为你做出改变).
  A good friend is at least a very good listener and notices how little, day-to-day things affect you. They can’t read your mind, but chances are they can usually tell when you’re happy, sad, excited, shocked or upset. If they realize that they’re doing something that makes you angry, they try to change their ways or at least talk to you about it.
  4. A good friend is helpful to you and your goals (好朋友是你的得力助手,也会助你达成目标).
  Sure, your friend may think you’re cool, but are they on the same page as you? Do they know what you want most out of life? A really good friend will know what makes you behave in the way that you do and help you become the person you want to be. They won’t try to change who you are or put you into situations that make you uncomfortable or put you at risk of losing something that matters to you.
  5. A good friend makes it clear that he/she cares about you (好朋友会让你知道,他时刻关心着你).
  Different people may have different ways of letting you know that they care about you. One person may give you a big hug(拥抱) while another person might gently laugh at you. A big clue (迹象) that someone cares is that they talk to you fairly often and, in general, know what’s going on in your life and act interested about it.
  6. A good friend stays with you in good times and bad (好朋友会与你同甘共苦).
  Loyalty(忠诚) is a quality almost everyone lists when asked what they look for in a friend. A loyal friend will stay with you whatever happens to you. If you move to another school, they’ll do their best to stay in touch with you.
  7. A good friend accepts you for who you are (好朋友会接受最真实的你).
  In friendship, being accepted goes hand in hand with being loyal. A true friend rolls with the punches(从容应对) as you grow and change and know how to deal with your quirks and faults (怪癖和缺点). They are also patient with you when you make mistakes — even big ones — and learn how to stop feeling angry with you when you hurt them. In other words, they treat you as you’d like to be treated, even when you aren’t at your best.
  章小玲 改编
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