
来源 :黑龙江档案 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:aaa3cbbfm
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目前,县级的民营企业档案管理工作仍然处于起步阶段,还存在一些这样那样的问题,究其原因,主要是:一、民营企业法人代表档案意识淡薄。大部分民营企业在创业之初,过分注重企业的经济效益,把增产、增效作为企业发展的唯一目的,对档案工作的重要性缺乏应有的认识,使档案工作未能与经济同步发展。二、档案管理人员综合素质偏低。由于大多数民营企业都是家族式企业,档案管理人员多是兼职,没经过档案专业培训且学历偏低,不懂档案、图书管理基本知识。 At present, the file management work of the private-owned enterprises at the county level is still in its infancy, and some such problems still exist. The reasons are mainly as follows: First, the awareness of the files of legal person representatives of private-owned enterprises is weak. Most private enterprises in the beginning of the business, too much emphasis on the economic efficiency of enterprises, to increase production and increase efficiency as the sole purpose of business development, the lack of proper understanding of the importance of the file, so that the file can not be synchronized with the economic development. Second, the overall quality of the file management staff is low. Most of the private-owned enterprises are family-owned enterprises. Archivists are mostly part-time employees. They do not have professional training in archives and have low academic records. They do not understand the basic knowledge of archives and library management.
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