Response of ~(14)C-Salicylic Acid to Heat Stress After Being Fed to Leaves of Grape Plants

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:adayidaai
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An experiment was conducted to investigate the response of salicylic acid as a second messenger to the heat stress in grape plants. For this purpose, all leaves of grape (Vitis vinifera×V. labrussa L. cv. Jingxiu) plants were removed except the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th ones. The 5th leaf was fed with C-SA, and the 4th and 6th leaves were exposed to high 14 temperature at 40±0.5°C. It was observed that more C-SA transported out from the 5th leaf and the distribution of C-SA 14 14 in each organ of plant altered in response to heat stress. The accumulation of C-SA in both the 4th and 6th leaves being 14 exposed to high temperature was at least three times higher than that in control. The distribution of C-SA in other distal 14 leaves (the 3rd and 7th leaf) decreased, but more C-SA accumulated in stems adjacent to the 4th or 6th leaf exposed to 14 high temperature. In addition, there was more C-SA being transported upwards or downwards while the 4th and 6th 14 leaves were exposed to high temperature respectively. Therefore, our results suggested that SA was closely involved in signal transduction of heat stress in grape plants. However, the ratio of C radioactivity assayed after SA being extracted 14 to that of direct assay with apparatus was more than 70%, which indicated about 30% C was lost or catabolized during 14 transportation. An experiment was conducted to investigate the response of salicylic acid as a second messenger to the heat stress in grape plants. For this purpose, all leaves of grape (Vitis vinifera × V. labrussa L. cv. Jingxiu) plants were removed except the 3rd , 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th ones. The 5th leaf was fed with C-SA, and the 4th and 6th leaves were exposed to high 14 temperature at 40 ± 0.5 ° C. It was observed that more C-SA transported out from the 5th leaf and the distribution of C-SA 14 14 in each organ of plant altered in response to heat stress. The accumulation of C-SA in both the 4th and 6th leaves being 14 exposed to high temperature was at least three times higher than that in control. The distribution of C-SA in other distal 14 leaves (the 3rd and 7th leaf) decreased, but more C-SA accumulated in stems adjacent to the 4th or 6th leaf exposed to 14 high temperature. was more C-SA being transported upwards or downwards while the 4th and 6th 14 leaves were exposed to However, our results suggested that SA was closely involved in signal transduction of heat stress in grape plants. However, the ratio of C radioactivity assayed after SA being extracted 14 to that of direct assay with apparatus was more than 70% which indicated about 30% C was lost or catabolized during 14 transportation.
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