
来源 :空军总医院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaogaoheng123
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米索前列醇为前列腺素E1的衍生物,可引起子宫收缩。首先应用于终止早孕,继而用于终止中期妊娠。近年来国内外于阴道内置放用于足月妊娠引产,取得良好临床效果。但宫缩过频,羊水污染率发生高,阴道内置药不宜用于某些病理产科,如胎膜早破等,且反复阴道操作有增加宫腔感 Misoprostol, a derivative of prostaglandin E1, can cause uterine contractions. First used to terminate early pregnancy, then used to terminate the second trimester pregnancy. In recent years, both at home and abroad in the vagina for placement of full-term pregnancy induced abortion, and achieved good clinical results. However, contractions too frequent, high incidence of amniotic fluid contamination, vaginal built-in medicine should not be used for some pathology obstetrics, such as premature rupture of membranes, and repeated vaginal manipulation to increase uterine feeling
我科采用超短波及神经肌肉电刺激等综合物理治疗周围性面神经麻痹56例,效果良好,现报告如下。1 临床资料56例,男44例,女12例,年龄11~78岁,其中21~60岁占78-6%;左侧29例,右侧26例,双侧1例。除1例由于乳突根治术致周围