Genesis of Daba arcuate structural belt related to adjacent basement upheavals:Constraints from Fiss

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Fission-track, (U-Th)/He thermochronology, and cooling properties indicate that the southern Daba arcuate zone (SDBAZ) underwent a distinctive phase of rapid cooling in 153-100 Ma at a rate of 1.44-1.90°C/Ma. This rapid uplifting strongly contrasts with (1) the previous, rapid foreland subsidence during Early to Middle Jurassic in response to late-orogenic compression from the Qinling belt, (2) the succeeding long, slow cooling phase and relative thermal stability that occurred during the 100-45 Ma period. This rapid cooling event in the SDBAZ parallels those experienced by two adjacent upheavals of Huangling (HLUZ) and Hannan-Micang (HMUZ), with cooling rates of 2.22-3.17°C/Ma for the HLUZ in 160-126 Ma, 4.91°C/Ma for the southern HMUZ in 150-125 Ma, as well as 2.11°C/Ma for the northern HMUZ in 150-105 Ma. Comparing thermal histories among the SDBAZ, the HLUZ, the HMUZ, and the Wudang metamorphic zone (WDMZ), we infer that the Daba arcuate structural belt formed in 153-100 Ma. The combined dating data support a correlation with a low-angle arcuate south-thrusting of the Qinling orogen triggered by northward convergence of the Yangtze Craton, contemporaneously encountering rigid basement obstructions from the HLUZ and the HMUZ, respectively. Both the SDBAZ and neighboring domains additionally underwent a comparatively fast cooling and uplift since about 45 Ma. Fission-track, (U-Th) / He thermochronology, and cooling properties indicate that the southern Daba arcuate zone (SDBAZ) underwent a distinctive phase of rapid cooling in 153-100 Ma at a rate of 1.44-1.90 ° C / Ma. This rapid uplifting strongly contrasts with (1) the previous, rapid foreland subsidence during early to middle jurassic in response to late-orogenic compression from the Qinling belt, (2) the succeeding long, slow cooling phase and relative thermal stability that occurred during the This rapid cooling event in the SDBAZ parallels those experienced by two adjacent upheavals of Huangling (HLUZ) and Hannan-Micang (HMUZ), with cooling rates of 2.22-3.17 ° C / Ma for the HLUZ in 160- 126 Ma, 4.91 ° ​​C / Ma for the southern HMUZ in 150-125 Ma, as well as 2.11 ° C / Ma for the northern HMUZ in 150-105 Ma. Comparing thermal histories among the SDBAZ, the HLUZ, the HMUZ, and the Wudang metamorphic zone (WDMZ), we infer that the Daba arcuate structural belt formed in 153-100 Ma. Th e combined dating data support a correlation with a low-angle arcuate south-thrusting of the Qinling orogen triggered by northward convergence of the Yangtze Craton, contemporaneously encountering rigid basement obstructions from the HLUZ and the HMUZ, respectively. Both the SDBAZ and territory else underwent a comparatively fast cooling and uplift since about 45 Ma.
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