
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘.眼科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:e1r2s3
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Objective: To investigate light microscopic and ultrastructural changes in bimatoprost-induced skin hyperpigmentation. Methods: Eyelid biopsy specimens from bimatoprost-treated patients and matched controls were examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Using an image analyzer, melanin granules were counted on Fontana-Masson-stained sections, and melanosomes were counted on electron micrographs. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed with antibodies against S100 and CD3. Positively labeled cells were counted. Results: By light microscopy, a marked increase in the number of melanin granules was noted in the bimatoprost-treated specimens. Electron microscopy demonstrated dermal melanocytes with prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum and abundant normal-sized melanosomes in different stages of maturation as compared with control specimens. Furthermore, the keratinocytes of the bimatoprosttreated specimens showed abundant mature melanosomeswhen compared with controls. Also of note, atypical melanocytes were absent in both specimens. The S100-positive melanocytes were comparable in bimatoprost-treated and control specimens. Few CD3-and CD68-positi ve cells in the bimatoprost-treated specimens were noted in both groups. Conclu sion: Bimatoprost-induced periocular hyperpigmentation is caused by increa sed melanogenesis. There was no evidence of melanocyte proliferation or prostagl andin-induced inflammation in the specimens that were examined. Objective: To investigate light microscopic and ultrastructural changes in bimatoprost-induced skin hyperpigmentation. Methods: Eyelid biopsy specimens from bimatoprost-treated patients and matched controls were examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Using an image analyzer, melanin granules were counted on Fontana -Masson-stained sections, and melanosomes were counted on electron micrographs. Immunohistochemical analysis was performed with antibodies against S100 and CD3. Positively labeled cells were counted in the results of By light microscopy, a marked increase in the number of melanin granules was noted in the bimatoprost-treated specimens. Electron microscopy of dermal melanocytes with prominent rough endoplasmic reticulum and abundant normal-sized melanosomes in different stages of maturation as compared with control specimens. Furthermore, the keratinocytes of the bimatoprostreated specimens showed abundant mature melanosomes were compared with con The S100-positive melanocytes were comparable in bimatoprost-treated and control specimens. Few CD3-and CD68-positi ve cells in the bimatoprost-treated specimens were noted in both groups. Conclu sion: Bimatoprost-induced periocular hyperpigmentation is caused by increa sed melanogenesis. There was no evidence of melanocyte proliferation or prostagl and in-induced inflammation in the specimens that were examined.
在成都,“城乡一体化”从6年前开始就是关键词。这使成都的城市和乡村从制度设计到思想观念、从公共服务水平到收入水平差距,都发生了深刻变化。 In Chengdu, “urban-rura
1929年,年仅22岁的董霖血气方刚,撰写了《帝国主义与中华民族》(1930年上海光明书局出版)一书,分析了“帝国主义”的来龙去脉,系统梳理了中华民族遭受帝国主义压迫的历史。该书唤起国人对中国外交状况的思考,顺应了收回国权的时势,一时名声大起。    从立法委员至外交部参事    董霖,1907年9月29日出生,字为公,江苏海门县津桥镇人。1926年,考入复旦大学,先修英国文学,后改为法政专业。此