Intestinal preparation prior to capsule endoscopy administration

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:upskycx
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In order to have an adequate view of the whole small intestine during capsule endoscopy, the preparation recommended consists of a clear liquid diet and an overnight fast. However, visualization of the small bowel during video capsule endoscopy can be impaired by intestinal contents. To improve mucosal visualization, some authors have evaluated different regimens of preparation. There is no consensus about the necessity of intestinal preparation for capsule endoscopy and it should be interesting to develop adequate guidelines to improve its efficacy and tolerability. Moreover, the effect of preparation type (purgative) on intestinal transit time is not clear. Since a bowel preparation cannot defini-tively improve its visibility (and theoretically the yield of the test), it is not routinely recommended. In order to have an adequate view of the whole small intestine during capsule endoscopy, the preparation recommended consists of a clear liquid diet and an overnight fast. However, visualization of the small bowel during video capsule endoscopy can be impaired by intestinal contents. there is no consensus about the necessity of intestinal preparation for capsule endoscopy and it should be interesting to develop adequate efficacy to tolerate its efficacy and tolerability. Moreover, the effect of preparation type (purgative Since a bowel preparation can not defini-tively improve its visibility (and theoretically the yield of the test), it is not routinely recommended.
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