Unified modeling of high temperature deformations of a Ni-based polycrystalline wrought superalloy u

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guaiguainiu1
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The complex deformation behaviors under tension-compression,cyclic,creep and creep-fatigue loadings of a nickel-base polycrystalline wrought superalloy at 650°C and 700°C were experimentally investigated.To uniformly simulate the complex deformation behaviors,the modified viscoplastic constitutive model combined with both the Kachanov damage evolution equation and the Ohno-Wang modification was formulated on the basis of the Chaboche theory.The simulated results on tension-compression behavior,cyclic viscoplastic and creep deformations showed comprehensive predicting ability.With the obtained material parameters,the deformations in creep-fatigue interaction under three dwell types were simulated and the capability of the modified model was further verified with good accuracy. The complex deformation behaviors under tension-compression, cyclic, creep and creep-fatigue loadings of a nickel-base polycrystalline wrought superalloy at 650 ° C and 700 ° C were experimentally investigated. To uniformly simulate the complex deformation behaviors, the modified viscoplastic constitutive model combined with both the Kachanov damage evolution equation and the Ohno-Wang modification was formulated on the basis of the Chaboche theory. The simulated results on tension-compression behavior, cyclic viscoplastic and creep deformations showed comprehensive predictability ability .With the obtained material parameters, the deformations in creep-fatigue interaction under three dwell types were simulated and the capability of the modified model was further verified with good accuracy.
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