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2015年是全面深化改革的关键之年,是全面推进依法治国的开局之年,也是全面完成“十二五”规划的收官之年。新的一年将给大连发展带来怎样的精彩?大连市民又将得到哪些看得见、摸得着的实惠?透过2015年《政府工作报告》,不难从中找到答案。 2015 is the crucial year for deepening the overall reform and the first year for comprehensively promoting the principle of governing the country according to law. It is also the year for the completion of the “Twelfth Five-year Plan” for the entire year. What’s wonderful for the development of Dalian in the new year? What are the visible and tangible benefits Dalian people will get? It is not difficult to find out the answers through the 2015 “Government Work Report.”
在这一刻我恍若走过了几十年,刹那间,我明白了亲情的伟大,幸福的暖流在心头回旋着,原来,人生的幸福就来自于细微之处。 At this moment I reminded us of how many years ha
本工作建立了由井型NaI(Tl)探测器和长寿命~(94)Nb/~(93)Nb~m参考源组成的放射性活度传递标准。探测器尺寸φ127 mm×127 mm,能量分辨率7.8%(对662 keVγ射线);~(94)Nb/~(93)
Nuclear fuel assembly is the core component in reactor,and the characteristics of assembly are directly related to the safe operation of nuclear reactors and th
By using transmission electron microscopy and electron back-scattered diffraction, the effect of annealing temperature on the precipitation behavior and texture
中国实验快堆(CEFR)热功率65 MW,试验发电功率20 MW,首炉燃料使用UO_2,采用堆本体池式结构和钠-钠-水三回路热传输系统,并首次设立独立的非能动事故余热排出系统。2016年1月1
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