Study on Microstructure and Property of H13 Die Steel with Nitrogen

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Composition segregation and microstructure nonuniform of H13 steel have been obviously improved though adding nitrogen element. The microstructure and property of H13 steel with nitrogen contents of 0.021% and 0.085% are studied under various quenching and tempering states. Dual quenching that is quenching between 1000-1010 ℃ twice is employed in order to increase the tensile strength and hardness of coupons. The temperature and time are explored for improving the toughness under optimal quenching treatment. For extrusion die steel, the tensile strength can reach a satisfactory level and impact toughness are met the requirements of NADCA at the temperature. Composition segregation and microstructure nonuniform of H13 steel have been obviously improved though adding nitrogen element. The microstructure and property of H13 steel with nitrogen contents of 0.021% and 0.085% are studied under various quenching and tempering states. Dual quenching that is quenching between 1000- 1010 ℃ twice is employed in order to increase the tensile strength and hardness of coupons. The temperature and time are explored for improving the toughness under optimal quenching treatment. For extrusion die steel, the tensile strength can reach a satisfactory level and impact toughness are met the requirements of NADCA at the temperature.
1865年11月10日的早晨,在美国首都华盛顿,就在国会大厦附近,搭起了绞刑架。这个绞架上将要行刑的,是美国历史上第一个以“战争罪”被判处死刑的人。他就是亨利·埃·威尔兹上尉。  威尔兹上尉是怎么走向绞刑架的?在美国,这是一百多年来,历史学家们一直探讨的课题。  威尔兹上尉原来的生活轨迹是非常典型的“美国故事”。威尔兹出生在欧洲,他是瑞士人。在巴黎和柏林接受了多年教育以后,成为一名医生。在27岁的
黄荣怀教授一直积极地探索如何通过开发新的工具和创造性地利用新方法来促进人类学习,特别在协作学习及其支持软件方面富有成效。他负责的项目“基于Web的协作学习系统Web CL