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古人云:非淡泊无以明志;非宁静无以致远。淡泊是一种豁大的人生态度,是一种超凡脱俗的人生态度。天下熙熙攘攘淡泊谈何容易。淡泊需有动看云卷云舒、静观花开花谢的人生情调。淡泊需要甩开沉重的名利十字架。一旦血肉之躯受负荷超多就会变形。人便不能行如风、立如松、坐如钟。淡泊者不为酒色财气所惑,从从容容,洒洒脱脱,宠辱不惊。淡泊者绝非苟且偷生之辈,绝非与世无争,淡泊者常以山水田园为调,琴棋书画为情。淡泊绝不向人卑躬屈膝,它永远扬着伟岸的风采,柔情似水的淡泊孕育着 The ancients said: There is no Ming Zhi indifferent; non-tranquility does not come true. Indifferent is a kind of life attitude that is cherished, is a kind of extraordinary life attitude. The world is bustling and easy to talk about. Indifferent need to have a look at Yunjuanyunshu, quietly wait for flowers to express their appreciation of life. Indifferent need to throw off the heavy fame and fortune cross. Once the body of flesh and blood is overloaded, it will be deformed. People cannot walk like wind, stand as loose and sit like a bell. The indifferent persons are not confused by their wealth and grief, and they are always comfortable and carefree. Indifferent persons are not embarrassing and stealing students. They are not indisputable with the world. Indifferent persons often use landscape as the tone of the countryside. Indifferent will never bow to people, it will always lift the glory of the stalwart, and the tenderness of the indifferent
大街上,一个衣衫褴褛的少年正费力地撑着伞在空旷的路上行走。寒风夹着大雪扑面而来,他努力地向前躬着身子,费力地抓紧伞柄,踉踉跄跄地向前走着。风很紧,把雪片漫无目 On t
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别致,新颖的文章容易吸引人,给人印象强烈而持久;反之,内容、形式雷同的文章,给人的印象淡薄而短暂。古今中外大凡成功的作家都非常 Unique, novel articles are easy to a
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写文章应该有气势,所谓“一气呵成”、“文气畅通”,气所使然。鲁迅的《“友邦惊诧”论》一文,“好个‘友邦人士’”,“好个国民党政 There should be momentum in writing