第七讲 改良居住环境与住宅卫生

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一、改良居住环境与住宅卫生的意义环境是指人们生活和生产的外界环境,从广义来说应该包括大气、土壤、水域、动物和植物;从狭义来说就是指人们居住的生活环境。村庄的环境和住宅的卫生条件好坏,直接影响着人们的身体健康。随着我国工农业生产的发展和人民生活水平的提高,广大农村正在进行居民区的扩建和改建,一批新集镇、新村庄、新住宅不断涌现,同时许多旧 First, the improvement of residential environment and residential health significance Environmental refers to people living and production of the external environment, in a broad sense, should include the atmosphere, soil, water, animals and plants; narrow sense refers to people living environment. The environment of the village and the hygienic conditions of the houses directly affect people’s health. With the development of our country’s industrial and agricultural production and the improvement of people’s living standards, the vast rural areas are undergoing the expansion and reconstruction of residential areas. A number of new towns, villages and new dwellings continue to emerge while many old
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