法拉利——新型跑车550 Maranello

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法拉利550 Maranello一经露面就成为国内外汽车媒体的报道热点,国内也有一些杂志对它进行了介绍。下面是本刊组织的第一篇来自海外的550 Maranello试车报告。 前几天,我有幸与我的朋友佩波斯·马克斯一起去参观法拉利550 Maranello。它是自从365GTB/4Daytone以来第一辆前置发动机、两座法拉利轿车。一路上,那正高扬前蹄的小马一直在我眼前晃动,而 Ferrari 550 Maranello once became the hot spot for domestic and foreign automotive media reports, there are also some domestic magazines introduced it. Below is the first 550 Maranello trial report from overseas. A few days ago, I was fortunate enough to visit Ferrari 550 Maranello with my friend Peppers Max. It is the first front-engine, two Ferrari sedans since the 365GTB / 4Daytone. Along the way, the pony that is raced forward has been shaking in front of me
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