
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:firefly0808
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Objective. Cervical sarcomas are exceedingly rare neoplasms associated with a poor prognosis. The objective of this study was to examine the treatment and outcome of women with cervical sarcomas. Methods. A hospital-based tumor registry was searched to identify all patients with cervical sarcomas treated between 1986 and 2003. The medical records of all patients were reviewed. All pathologic specimens were reviewed by a single pathologist. Results. Among 1583 with cervical malignancies, 8 cervical sarcomas were identified. All patients presented with vaginal bleeding. The lesions were clinically staged as IB1 (2), IB2 (4), IIIA (1), and IIIB (1). Five of the tumors were carcinosarcomas. Other histologies included sarcoma NOS (12.5%), leiomyosarcoma (12.5%), and endometrial stromal sarcoma (12.5%). Initial treatment included surgery in 5 patients, radiation in 2, and chemoradiation in 1. Six patients were treated with curative intent, 5 received adjuvant therapy. While both patients treated palliatively died from progressive disease, the other 6 patients remain alive after a mean follow up of 2.5 years. Two patients have recurred. One patient underwent a thoracotomy for an isolated pulmonary metastasis and is alive with no evidence of disease. The second patient developed pulmonary metastases and is alive 8 months after recurrence. Conclusions. Cervical sarcomas are rare neoplasms. Most patients present with vaginal bleeding and a palpable cervical mass. While the optimal management of these tumors is uncertain, aggressive primary therapy can result in prolonged survival and cure. Objective. This study was to examine the treatment and outcome of women with cervical sarcomas. Methods. A hospital-based tumor registry was searched to identify all patients with cervical sarcomas treated. Between 1986 and 2003. All pathologic specimens were reviewed by a single pathologist. Results. Among 1583 with cervical malignancies, 8 cervical sarcomas were identified. All patients presented with vaginal bleeding. The lesions were clinically staged Other histologies included sarcoma NOS (12.5%), leiomyosarcoma (12.5%), and endometrial stromal sarcoma (12.5% 12.5%). Initial treatment included surgery in 5 patients, radiation in 2, and chemoradiation in 1. Six patients were treated with curative intent, 5 received adjuvant therapy. While both patients tre ated palliatively died from progressive disease, the other 6 patients remain alive after a mean follow up of 2.5 years. Two patients have recurred. One patient underwent a thoracotomy for an isolated pulmonary metastasis and is alive with no evidence of disease. The second patient developed Pulmonary metastases and is alive 8 months after recurrence. Conclusions. Cervical sarcomas are rare neoplasms. Most patients present with vaginal bleeding and a palpable cervical mass. While the optimal management of these tumors is uncertain, aggressive primary therapy can result in prolonged survival and cure .
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