Design and Experiment of Electronic-hydraulic Loading Test-bed Based on Tractor's Hydraulic Ste

来源 :Asian Agricultural Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangshun1025
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An Electro-hydraulic loading system is designed based on a test-bed of tractor’s hydraulic steering by-wire. To simulate the steering resistance driving tractor in many kinds of soils and roads,the loading force is controlled to make proportional and continuous variable by an electro-hydraulic proportional relief valve. A steering resistance loading test-bed is built to test three kinds of steering resistance including constant,step and sine style. Tire lateral resistance is also tested under different steering conditions. The result shows that the electro-hydraulic loading system has high stability and following performance. Besides,the system’s steady state error is lower than 3. 1%,and it meets the test requirement of tractor’s hydraulic steering by-wire. An Electro-hydraulic loading system is designed based on a test-bed of tractor’s hydraulic steering by-wire. To simulate the steering resistance driving tractor in many kinds of soils and roads, the loading force is controlled to make proportional and continuous variable by an electro-hydraulic proportional relief valve. A steering resistance loading test-bed is built to test three kinds of steering resistance including constant, step and sine style. Tire lateral resistance is also tested under different steering conditions. Besides, the system’s steady state error is lower than 3.1%, and it meets the test requirement of tractor’s hydraulic steering by-wire.
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