Evaluation of Impact of Major Causes of Death on Life Expectancy Changes in China,1990-2005

来源 :Biomedical and Environmental Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjw37600
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Objective To evaluate the impact of major causes of death on changes of life expectancy in China. Methods Life expectancy was calculated by standard life table techniques using mortality data from the national censuses in 1990 and 2000 and the 1% National Population Sampling Surveys in 1995 and 2005. Mortality data about the major causes of death from VR-MOH were used as reference values to estimate their death proportions of the specific age groups by sex and regions, as well as all-cause mortality and age-specific mortality rates of major causes of death. Decomposition method was used to quantitatively evaluate the impact. Results Three key findings were identified in our study. First, China’s health challenge was shifted from diseases related to living conditions to those related to behavior and lifestyle, with rural areas relatively lagged behind urban areas. Second, the impacts of cardiovascular diseases and neoplasm on the middle aged and elderly population were stressed. Third, compared to the urban population, the rural population tended to have increasing mortality of neoplasm and cardiovascular diseases, especially in adults at the age of 15-39 years. Conclusion Further efforts should be made to reduce the incidence of neoplasm and cardiovascular diseases, especially in rural areas, by promoting healthy behavior and lifestyle and providing appropriate therapies for all patients in need. Objective To evaluate the impact of major causes of death on changes of life expectancy in China. Methods Life expectancy was calculated by standard life table techniques using mortality data from the national censuses in 1990 and 2000 and the 1% National Population Sampling Surveys in 1995 and 2005. Mortality data about the major causes of death from VR-MOH were used as reference values ​​to estimate their death proportions of the specific age groups by sex and regions, as well as all-cause mortality and age-specific mortality rates of major causes of death key. Decomposition method was used to quantitatively evaluate the impact. First, China’s health challenge was shifted from diseases related to living conditions to those related to behavior and lifestyle, with rural areas more lagged behind urban areas. Second, the impacts of cardiovascular diseases and neoplasm on the middle aged and elderly population were stressed. Third, compared to the urban population, the rural population tended to have increased mortality of neoplasm and cardiovascular diseases, especially in adults at the age of 15-39 years. Conclusion Further efforts should be made to reduce the incidence of neoplasm and cardiovascular diseases, especially in rural areas, by promoting healthy behavior and lifestyle and providing appropriate therapies for all patients in need.
目前在中国96%的医院是公立医院。根据这次的新医改方案,其中很大一部分公立医院会转为民营医院,这也将是未来3年公立医院改革的重点内容之一。可以想见,在未来的3年内,确立哪些公立医院转民营将是一场多么浩大而艰难的任务,而其中,也许不可避免地会出现贪污腐败、利益博弈等诸多问题。  从2006年开始,历经3年的激烈讨论和不断修改,在社会各界翘首期盼下新医改方案终于出台了。4月6日,中共中央、国务院发布了