
来源 :特区经济 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jtls
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当前,世界政治局势日趋缓和,和平与发展是当代世界的主流。两种社会制度和平共处、相互竞争、共同发展已越来越成为人们的共识。世界经济一体化、集团化在许多地区逐步形成,亚太地区的经济崛起为人们曾遍关注。然而,工业发达国家经济增长放慢、调整产业结构、贸易保护主义有增无减:同时,在国内也面临治理经济环境、压抑通胀、紧缩货币、特殊政策淡化、地区优惠政策正向产业优惠政策倾斜。在这种条件下,中国经济特区建设,如何持续、健康地发展,已成为理论界和实际工作行讨论的又一个“热点”。笔者认为必须从深层意义上理解中国创办经济特区的战略意义,无论从全国现代化建设的需要,还是从港澳台回归祖国,统一祖国大业,振兴中华的历史重任出发,当前都急需有一个安定团结的政治环境,以增大经济特区的对外开放度,为其面向世界,参与国际分工、国际交换、国际市场竞争创造外部环境;要苦练内功,深化改革,促使其在经济运行机制上与港澳国际市场“接轨”,以增强对外、对内辐射力。 At present, the political situation in the world is easing off and peace and development are the mainstream in the contemporary world. It has become more and more the consensus of people that the two social systems coexist peacefully, compete with each other and develop together. The integration of the world economy and the formation of collectivization have gradually taken shape in many areas. The economic rise in the Asia-Pacific region has drawn people’s attention ever since. However, the industrialized countries have slowed down their economic growth, readjusted their industrial structure and increased their trade protectionism. In the meantime, they also face the problems of controlling their economic environment, suppressing inflation, tightening their currencies, and weakening special policies. Regional preferential policies are being given to industrial preferential policies tilt. Under such conditions, how to build a special economic zone in China continuously and in a healthy manner has become another “hot spot” for discussions between theorists and practitioners. The author believes that it is necessary to understand the strategic significance of establishing special economic zones in the deep sense. Whether from the needs of nationwide modernization or from the historic task of returning Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to the motherland and unifying the great cause of our motherland and rejuvenating China, there is an urgent need for a stable and united Political environment in order to increase the opening up of the SEZs to the outside world and create an external environment for the world to participate in the international division of labor, international exchange and competition in the international market; it is necessary to practice internal strength and deepen the reform so as to promote its economic operation with Hong Kong, Market “convergence” to enhance external and internal radiation.
一近年来,泰国经济的发展忽然引起了国内外的经济界和舆论界的广泛注意,一时成为人们的热门课题。人们纷纷撰写文章,对泰国经济的崛起的原因和经验作了各种的分 In recent
<正> 尽管从1978年放权让利以来,还没有哪个企业不再抱怨权少利微,但企业和职工从日益松动的旧体制中获得的收益却是人所共知的。然而,经过10年放权一收权的较量,“一统就死,一放就乱”的局面愈演愈烈。国有企业的改革陷入今天的困境决非偶然,事实上,早在“拨乱反正”之后,人们一方面认为僵化的国有制需要变革,同时又确信国有制的框架可以容纳如此庞大的生产力时,目前的窘况就已成定局。