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2005年3月14日上午,山东工艺美术学院应用设计学院在美术馆举办了芬兰著名设计师约里奥·库卡波罗家具设计展。本次活动展出了约里奥·库卡波罗教授40多件优秀的家具设计作品。应邀参加展览活动的专家包括山东工艺美术学院应用设计学院副院长、家具设计研究所所长方海博士、南京林业大学博士生导师张彬渊教授、中国家具协会顾问高级工程师刘文智教授、中央美术学院江黎教授、山东家具协会牛广霞会长、山东工艺美术学院应用设计学院院长石增泉副教授、山东工艺美术学院应用设计学院副院长任仲泉副教授等。方海博士、张彬渊教授、刘文智教授分别作了《北欧现代家具设计及其源流》、《中国传统家具的继承与创新》、《家具的商品知识和招投标活动》等专题报告。参加论坛的专家学者对当前国内外特别是国内家具设计与生产的状况及家具设计教育等问题进行了深入研讨,大家一致认为,目前我国的家具设计缺少创新和个性,原创作品少,以模仿和借鉴为主,很少有自己的知识产权,缺乏原创性的设计。同时家具设计教育在我国起步较晚,教育过程应注意学生动手能力的培养,注重教学理论创新与实践创新相结合。本次作品展暨家具设计论坛旨在通过分析芬兰家具设计作品,展现现代家具设计理念,并通过举办论坛的方式为中外家具设计师们创造一个思想交流的平台,共同探讨我国家具设计的发展道路。 On the morning of March 14, 2005, Shandong Institute of Art and Design Institute of Applied Design held the famous Finnish designer Joao Kuber Polo Furniture Design Exhibition at the Art Museum. More than 40 pieces of excellent furniture design work were presented by Professor Joao Cukapollo at this event. Invited to participate in exhibition activities include Shandong University of Art and Design Associate Dean, Institute of furniture design, Dr. Fang Hai, PhD supervisor of Nanjing Forestry University Professor Zhang Binyuan, China Furniture Association consultant Senior Engineer Professor Liu Wenzhi, Central Academy of Fine Arts Professor Jiang Li, President of Shandong Furniture Association Niu Guangxia, Associate Professor Shi Zengquan, dean of School of Applied Design, Shandong Institute of Art and Design, and Associate Dean Ren Zhongquan, Associate Dean of Applied Design Institute of Shandong Institute of Art and Design. Prof. Fang Hai, Prof. Zhang Binyuan and Prof. Liu Wenzhi made special presentations such as “Modern Furniture Design and Its Origins in Northern Europe”, “Inheritance and Innovation of Traditional Chinese Furniture”, “Commodity Knowledge of Furniture and Tendering and Bidding Activities” respectively. Experts and scholars participating in the forum conducted an in-depth discussion on the current situation of furniture design and production at home and abroad, as well as furniture design and education in China. All agreed that at present, China’s furniture design lacks innovation and individuality with few original works to imitate and Lessons for reference, few have their own intellectual property, the lack of original design. At the same time furniture design education started late in our country, the education process should pay attention to the training of students’ practical ability, pay attention to the combination of teaching theory innovation and practice innovation. The exhibition and Furniture Design Forum aims to create a platform for the exchange of ideas between Chinese and foreign furniture designers by means of analyzing the Finnish furniture design works, presenting the design concept of modern furniture and discussing the development path of furniture design in our country .
摘要:在高中历史课程的教学中,一直以来都是以传统的文科学习方式  记忆和背诵的方式来让学生们学习,这样的方式不断为学生所诟病。随着高中课改的不断深化,互动情景式教学模式不断被引入到高中学科教学中。本文针对高中历史课程,对互动情景教学模式做一个深入的分析。  关键词:高中历史;互动情景式;教学模式  一、互动式教学的优势  传统高中历史课程的学习很多高中生都会感到非常的枯燥和乏味,这种感觉都是由于在
罗多多是个热心肠的小男孩,爱交朋友,常戴着一顶白色鸭舌帽。有一次他带着画板到马猴山下写生。正是春末夏初,林茂草绿,鸟语花香,空气爽爽的,阳光甜甜的。多多当时正给一个吃樱桃的猴子画素描,一回眼,看见一个大马猴带着一个小马猴过来卖呆儿。他们早就是朋友了。罗多多这人挺鬼道,跟大马猴学过猴语猴文。他一面画画,一面问:“好看吗?”  大马猴说:“好看。上点色就更好看了。”  “忘带水彩了,下次带来。”  “