Robots begin the march into campuses 机器人进军校园

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  Aelos can move, dance and even practice yoga(瑜伽). More importantly, he can be a science teacher for kids. The humanoid robot(仿真机器人) is the brainchild of Chang Lin and his team, who focus their attention on educational robots in the firm(坚定的) belief that the field is about to take off.
  “The educational robot market is becoming more mature this year, with products satisfying the actual needs of consumers,” says Chang, co?founder and chief executive officer of Shenzhen?based start?up Leju (Shenzhen) Robotics. “The market is going to take off very soon. Those marching into the field early will gain benefit. Were determined to grab(抓住) the opportunity and become an industry leader.”
  Aelos is programmable. Movements, obstacle avoidance and other features of the robot can be achieved through childrens programming, helping them gain an understanding of how the machine works and how they can control it with their intelligence.
  So far, more than 300 schools in 17 provinces and cities across the country have introduced the intelligent robot into their robotics classes, covering nearly 300,000 students. In 2017, the 2?year?old start?up created approximately 50 million yuan in sales. “We expect the figure to rise to between 200 and 300 million yuan this year.”
  Leju is among a number of players that have spotted the booming industrys great po?tential and are desperate to grab the chance.
  Among them are Ubtech and Makeblock—two other Shenzhen?based robotics start?ups that are growing at a fast speed.
  To stand out from the crowd, difference is vital. Chang points out that one of Aeloss
  unique advantages is that it can move quicker than Ubtechs robots. “Moreover, different from Makeblock, which targets younger children, our focus is on elder students. We complement(補充) Makeblock products as Aelos programming is more complicated(复杂的) and requires deeper knowledge,” said Chang.
  Educational robots can play the role of a teacher who develops students operational ability by inspiring them to think and operate independently. The company is cooperating with several universities in Shenzhen to try to deve?lop promising campus talents by sponsoring clubs at universities.
  1.What does Chang Lin think of the educational robot market? (no more than 10 words)
  2.How can the robot develop childrens creativity? (no more than 5 words)
  3.Whats the key point to succeed in developing the educational robot? (no more than 5 words)
  Complete the following sentences in correct froms with the words given or with a proper word.
  1.The humanoid robot is the brainchild of Chang Lin and his team,
1959年,底特律大学的学生活动中心,一群大学生偷偷把两张唱片塞进了小吃店的自动点唱机里:一张唱片没有声音,另一张每隔15秒就会发出短促的“哔哔”声。  这本来只是一场效果不错的恶作剧,直到后来,人们开始有意地提起这两张唱片。这两张无声唱片,因为被播放太多次而表面磨损严重,所以不得不换了新的。《公告牌》杂志的记者认为:《无声唱片》的意外成功是因为“一群意志坚定、态度严肃的激进分子”,但更可能是因为
白色晚宴西装外套黑色领结均为 Ansiw
年前和一个采访对象打电话,他口述了眼前的场景:面前有一张桌子,前方是一扇窗,冬天冷峻,树枝光秃秃的。这时,电话那头传来一个有些年纪的女性的声音:“喝点儿粥吧。”那是他的母亲。  自疫情以来,出行常常受到限制,原先习以为常的出差现在都很难得。打电话成为最常见的沟通手段,我只能通过他们的声音去想象他们目前的状态。如果说疫情对记者和编辑的工作有什么影响的话一隔绝了肉身在场,这就是最大的影响。  如果按获
星型漏洞背心 西服套装 均为 8on8星型漏洞背心 西服套装 均为 8on8努力努力再努力  张艺兴不放松。但这一次,我们准备和张艺兴聊一聊“放松”这件事。  他曾经用“抓住每一个0.1秒”来描述自己做音乐的状态,这在某种程度上也是他日常生活的状态——他早已习惯了将自己的每一点儿时间都调动起来,似乎融入了他的肌肉记忆。  从长沙童星到大娱乐公司的练习生,张艺兴在那些不甚自信的时刻里,应对焦虑的方式
仓颉先生:  传说中你造了汉字,现在我用你造的汉字给你写封信。  传说中你有双瞳四个眼睛,天生睿德,观察星辰移动、鸟兽留痕、草木摇曳、甲骨炙裂、山川绵延、指掌纹现,象形、拟声、会意、指代、转注、假借,创造了汉字,试图描述时间和空间里存在的一切,古往今来,东西南北,革除当时“结绳记事”之陋,奠定后世文明之基。  少年时代开始系统接触汉字的时候,我就认定,文字是人类最伟大的发明,没有之一,汉字是人类最
西装衬衫 领带均为Boss  他,是稚氣未脱的粉色,自由无束的蓝色,充满元气的黄色,是高甜的马卡龙系男孩。西服套装印花高领针织衫均为Dior 运动鞋Both西装上衣花衬衫均为Fendi西服套装Acne Studios 衬衫Garc?on by Gc?ogcn皮夹克高领针织衫均为Givenchy 衬衫Berluti 长裤Herme?s 皮鞋Bottega Veneta风衣 长裤均为Bottega V
丹尼尔·克雷格从2006年《皇家赌场》开始饰演“007”詹姆斯·邦德,同时他也被冠上全球最有魅与力量的男人。  克雷格的父亲是钢铁工人,后来成为酒吧老板,他的母亲教艺术。父母离婚后,克雷格和姐姐与母亲搬到利物浦。他的母亲经常光顾剧院,并鼓励她儿子早期对表演感兴趣;克雷格6岁就了小学,但在校表现并不尽如人意,16岁离开学校去追求表演。  克雷格于1984年到国家青年剧院试镜,并被其接受。他首次亮相是
数不清楚的黑头  晚上11点,李毛毛拿着眉笔,一颗一颗地往女演员的鼻子上画黑头。周围4个同事无所事事地站着,大眼瞪小眼,手头的工作卡在半路,全在等着她把手上这无数颗黑点画完。  公司里早就没有人了,只有她这个小小的摄制组还在加班。去黑头这一个镜头已经重拍了3遍,黑头涂了擦、擦了再涂。气氛越发压抑,演员、摄影、编导、制片,五六个人谁都不说话,安静到能听见对方的呼吸声。  李毛毛是一个抖音账号的编导,