Growing up with the Children

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  At 7:30 a.m. on January 17, 2020, Shen Dandan, head teacher of “Bean” Class One at Yayuncun No.1 Kindergarten, was already busy preparing breakfast with her two coworkers—nursery governess Ms. He and class assistant Ms. Niu.
  Located in Beijing’s Chaoyang District, Yayuncun No.1 Kindergarten uses the terms“Bean,” “Seedling,” and “Fruit” to refer to junior, middle and senior classes of different age groups. That day, the “Bean” Class One, with a total of 25 children ranging in age from four to four and a half years, was only expecting six children. With only a week remaining until Spring Festival, the most important traditional festival for Chinese people, many children had already left town for vacation.
  Unlike more advanced schools which close for regular winter and summer vacations, some public kindergartens in Beijing only close on public holidays. To better serve families with two working parents, many stay open during winter and summer holidays. With Spring Festival approaching, the six children still attending school in “Bean” Class One were all stuck in the same situation: Both parents were too busy at work to look after them.
  However, the meager class size didn’t reduce the workload of the three teachers at all. The daily routine was still strictly carried out in accordance with the preset wintertime schedule.
  After breakfast, the six children were divided into two groups to play games. One group played with blocks while the other played puzzle games. “Let’s think about it together. Are there any other ways to build a pipeline other than how you just did?” “Good job! You completed an animal puzzle. Maybe next time you can finish another puzzle with your friends and build a zoo.” As the children played in different activity zones, teachers sat nearby to offer help and guidance. A “lesson” followed the gaming time. Quality education in early years requires lessons presented in a recreational form. “For children in the junior class, a ‘formal’ lesson refers to time allocated for music or dance, an educational activity that can be conducted in a collective form,”explains Shen Dandan.
  As it got warm enough outside at 10 a.m., the children began their favorite outdoor activities. Despite limited space, Yayuncun No.1 Kindergarten uses it efficiently. Sports equipment such as singleplank bridges and stumps are placed on a stripe of green space.
  In addition to playing football, riding scooters and imitating animal races, the children of “Bean” Class One particularly like a racing game they developed by themselves. One by one, they crawled into a net-shaped climbing frame, quickly passed through it, and then zipped down a slide before“landing” at the bottom.   The outdoor activities ended as lunchtime drew near. The three teachers helped the children carefully wash their hands and faces before lunch. From noon to 2 p.m., the children napped, but the teachers didn’t rest. They had lunch and prepared the next teaching activities. Using nap time to plan activities has been a tradition in the kindergarten for quite a long time. During those two hours, a few teachers look after the sleeping children while the others plan activities, conduct research, choreograph dances or design programs.

  After nap time, the afternoon routine began. With guidance from the teachers, the six children repeated the “indoor + outdoor”activity mode until their parents arrived to pick them up at 5 p.m.
  “We must ensure that only their parents or authorized people pick them up after school,” Shen notes.“But our work is still not done. We have to start preparing the schedule for the next day.”
  “On most days, I don’t get home until 7:30 p.m.,” she adds. “Because attendance is so low before the Spring Festival holiday, we have more time to get to know each child and learn what they like. For teachers, it’s a precious opportunity.”
  Like the teachers, kindergarten administrators would remain on duty until the “last minute”before the Spring Festival holiday or even during the holiday. “I’ve been working at Yayuncun No.1 Kindergarten for 20 years,” reveals Pan Xu, headmaster of the kindergarten. “Every year, I patrol the kindergarten during the Spring Festival holiday to make sure everything is secured.”
  “Preschool education requires care, patience and a strong sense of responsibility,” Pan continues.“Although some of my coworkers joke about envying teachers who get winter and summer vacations, they’re very responsible about their daily work. Even if only one child shows up, the teachers are there, and the school kitchen remains open. Everything we do is for the children.”
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