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一、《国务院同意适当放宽建镇标准》一文说:“二、总人口在二万以下的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口超过二千的,可以建镇;总人口在二万以上的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口占全乡人口10%以上的,也可以建镇。”(《人民日报》1984年11月30日1版) 这段话的两层意思是:……的可以建镇;……的也可以建镇。所谈两种情况,其内容都是全乡总人口和乡政府驻地非农业人口两个数字,其中非农业人口数虽然分别用了具体数字和百分比两种不同说法,但实际上并没有区别。后面说的总人口二万以上,其非农业人口占10%以上,一算便知是二千以上,这当然就和前面说的“非农业人口超过二千”毫无两样,改用百分数说,只是让人费心思去计算,白白消耗时间罢了。 前后所说不同的是总人口数,前者是二万以下,后者是二万以上。这在叙述顺序上就有问题了。既然非农业人口都须超过二千,总人口在二万以下的可以建镇,总人口在二万以上的当然更可以建镇,而规定却说后者“也可以建镇”,“也”字用得没有道理。仅就这一点来说,“也”字应换为“更”,或者把前后二者的顺序颠倒一下,将原文改为“总人口在二万以上的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口在二千以上的可以建镇;总人口在二万以下的乡,乡政府驻地非农业人口超过二千的,也可以建镇。” I. Article entitled “The State Council agrees to appropriate relaxation of the standards for the construction of towns”: “II. Towns and townships with a population of less than 20,000 shall have a non-agricultural population of more than 2,000 and be capable of building a town; townships with a total population of over 20,000, The township government resident of non-agricultural population accounts for more than 10% of the township population, you can also build the town. ”(“ People’s Daily ”November 30, 1984 version 1) The passage of the two meanings: ... ... can build the town ; ... can also build the town. In both cases, the contents of the two figures refer to the total population of the township and the non-agricultural population resident in the township government. Although the non-agricultural population separately uses two specific figures and percentages, there are actually no differences. Behind that total population of 20,000 or more, the non-agricultural population accounted for more than 10%, a count that will be more than 2000, of course, and earlier said “non-agricultural population more than 2000” is no different, use the percentage said , But people bother to calculate, spent time in vain. Before and after the difference is the total population, the former is 20,000 or less, the latter is more than 20,000. There is a problem with the order of narration. Since the number of non-agricultural population must be over 2,000, the total population can be built under 20,000, the total population of more than 20,000 can of course be built even though the latter is said to be “capable of building a town” and “also” It does not make sense. In this respect, the word “也” should be replaced by “更” or the order of both before and after should be reversed. The original should be changed to "townships with a total population of over 20,000 and townships with non-agricultural population resident in two More than a thousand can build a town; the total population of less than twenty thousand in the township government resident resident non-agricultural population of more than two thousand, you can also build the town.
作为瑞美集团的第二代掌舵人,杜志辉以“秉承家族优秀传统,坚持强化至诚信内在品质;熔铸现代经营理念,不断革新外在发展模式;实为华商骄傲、行业翘楚”的获奖理由实至名归地当选并不出乎大家的意料。这是社会对他守业有成的评价,也是社会给予海外杰出华人第二代能够成功守业创业的肯定,而如杜志辉这样的“财富第二代”,也在用他们的努力和智慧,在前辈们经营的基础上继续创造着一个又一个的新的更大的成功。    父亲给我
年纪轻轻的卓侨兴有着丰富的金融投资业务经验,并在亚洲范围内处理过多起价值超过百亿人民币的大中型IPO、ECB、M&A案例。最引人关注的是,他不但是新加坡最早发现中国企业海外金融服务商机的投行家之一,也是新加坡从事中国企业海外金融服务最成功的投行家之一。  2007年4月,他属下的ICH更一举刷新“新加坡证券交易所第一只全球发售的中国IPO”、“新加坡交易所上市中国企业最大IPO”、“新加坡交易所近