《大个子老鼠和小个子猫》系列 防笑针

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G国有举世罕见的好风景。大个子老鼠和小个子猫就去G国旅行。到了G国边境,除了安全检查,每位游客还得打防疫针。轮到大个子老鼠了,他问医生:“是预防病毒传染吗?”“不,这是防笑针。”医生说,“打了这针,你三天之内就不会笑了。”大个子老鼠觉得奇怪:“为什么要防笑呢?”医生说:“500年前,在我们G国,年轻的王后去世了,国王很伤心。他从此再没笑过,也不许别人笑。不许笑成了G国的法律。不仅本国人不许笑,还要给入境的游客打防笑针。” G country has a rare world of good scenery. Big mouse and small cat went to G country travel. To the G border, in addition to security checks, each tourist must fight vaccination needle. It was a big mouse, and he asked the doctor: “Is it a viral infection? ” “No, it’s an anti-smiley pin. ” The doctor said, “ Will laugh. ”“ The big mouse feels weird: ”Why laugh?“ ”The doctor said:“ 500 years ago, in our G country, the young queen passed away and the king was very sad. Laughed, but also not allowed to laugh.Not allowed to laugh into the law of country G. Not only the nationals are not allowed to laugh, but also to the entry of visitors to fight anti-laughter. ”
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