Endothelin-1-induced mini-stroke in the dorsal hippocampus or lateral amygdala results in deficits i

来源 :The Journal of Biomedical Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:y317145569
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Functional and structural alterations in brain connectivity associated with brain ischemia have been extensively studied.However,the mechanism whereby local ischemia in deep brain region affect brain functions is still unknown.Here,we first established a mini-stroke model by infusion of endothelin-1(ET-1) into the dorsal hippocampus or the lateral amygdala,and then investigated how these mini-infarcts affected brain functions associated with these regions.We found that rats with ET-1 infusion showed deficit in recall of contextual fear memory,but not in learning process and recall of tone fear memory.In novel object task,ET-1 in the hippocampus also eliminated object identity memory.ET-1 in the lateral amygdale affected acquisition of fear conditioning and disrupted retention of tone-conditioned fear,but did not impair retention of contextual fear.These findings suggest that ET-1-induced mini-infarct in deep brain area leads to functional deficits in learning and memory associated with these regions. Functional and structural alterations in brain connectivity associated with brain ischemia have been extensively studied. Host, the mechanism whereby local ischemia in deep brain region affect brain functions is still unknown. Here, we first established a mini-stroke model by infusion of endothelin-1 (ET-1) into the dorsal hippocampus or the lateral amygdala, and then investigated how these mini-infarcts affected brain functions associated with these regions. We found that rats with ET-1 infusion showed deficit in recall of contextual fear memory, but not in learning process and recall of tone fear memory. In novel object task, ET-1 in the hippocampus also eliminates object identity memory. ET-1 in the lateral amygdale affected acquisition of fear conditioning and disrupted retention of tone-conditioned fear, but did not impair retention of contextual fear. These findings suggest that ET-1-induced mini-infarct in deep brain area leads to functional deficits in learning and memory associated with these regions.
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