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在世界市场上,华侨经商术,犹太经商术和印度经商术经久长存,令人瞩目。华侨经商术。华侨主要靠“三把刀”发迹:菜刀(餐饮业)、剪刀(成衣业)、剃刀(理发业)。他们往往白手起家,无依无靠,克勤克俭,吃苦耐劳,咬牙立志,苦心经营,随后发家致富。华侨的经营手段主要是:现金交易不赊帐;君子不跟命争;留有余地防不测;不抢他人的财路;做当地人不愿做的生意;热情和气能生财;精打细算节成本;薄利多销争商誉;诚实经商信为本;灵活经营常变化等。犹太经商术。犹太人的经营领域主要是金融和珠宝业。欧美的金融市场,主要是犹太人的天下;而全球的钻石珠宝市场,则几乎为犹太人所垄断。犹太人有“赚钱绝招30手”。其中主要是:现金主义;瞄准女人(妇女用品市场);瞄准嘴巴(食品市场);快速心算;勤记笔记;放长线钓大鱼;断然决断;把契约看作商品;把时间看作商品;视薄利多销为愚蠢方法;金钱无臭味;设法赚财主的钱;今天的争吵今天毕;知己知彼等。印度经商术。印度经商术的特点是精通于倒买倒卖,长途贩运,赚取比较利益。特别是经常涉足于加工业和文化都比较落后的中东、非洲国家。工业品(包括日常生活用品)在那里是抢手货,而石油、黄金、宝石却毫不起眼,印度商人就来回倒手,赚取巨额商业利润。随着国际航运、国际贸易和国际市场的拓展,这种经营之术的盈利余地越来越少。(摘自《企业活力》) In the world market, overseas Chinese business practices, Jewish business practices, and Indian business practices have long-lasted. Overseas Chinese business practices. Overseas Chinese mainly rely on “three knives ” to make their mark: kitchen knife (catering industry), scissors (clothing industry), razor (hairdressing industry). They often start from scratch, rely on helplessness, hard-working, hard-working, biting their teeth and painstaking efforts, and then make a fortune. Overseas Chinese business methods are mainly: cash transactions are not accounted for; the gentleman does not contend with; there is room to guard against speculation; do not grab other people’s financial roads; do local businesses do not want to do business; enthusiasm and energy can make money; careful planning costs; Small profits and good sales compete for goodwill; honest business letter-based; flexible business changes and so on. Jewish business. The area of ​​Jewish business is mainly the financial and jewelry industry. The financial markets in Europe and the United States are dominated by the Jews. The global diamond jewellery market is almost monopolized by the Jews. The Jews have “30 tricks to make money.” The main ones are: cashism; aiming at women (women’s supplies market); aiming at the mouth (food market); fast mental arithmetic; keeping diligent notes; putting long lines to catch big fish; categorically asserting decisions; treating contracts as commodities; taking time as commodities; It is stupid to regard puerile and quick turnover; money is odorless; try to earn the money of the rich man; today’s quarrel is complete today; know yourself and know yourself. Indian business operation. The characteristics of Indian business practices are proficient in buying and selling, long-distance trafficking, and earning comparative advantages. In particular, the countries of the Middle East and Africa, which are often involved in the processing industry and the culture are relatively backward. Industrial products (including daily necessities) are popular among them, but oil, gold, and precious stones are unremarkable, and Indian businessmen have turned back and forth to earn huge commercial profits. With the expansion of international shipping, international trade and international markets, there is less and less room for profit in this kind of operation. (From “Enterprise Vitality”)
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