高清机顶盒系列之IP-HDV 凯诚IP-HDV-N900多媒体网络播放机(2)

来源 :卫星电视与宽带多媒体 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cjfandhf
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早在1993年,笔者买了第一台飞利浦CD-I机后,就开始搜集VCD光碟,当时正版电影的要价是三位数。VCD比VHS清晰,比LD便于收藏。5年里,装满了一个书柜。不料好景不长,接着DVD应市,画面更清晰。于是将书柜翻了个底朝天,VCD送的送,丢的丢。又一个5年过去,已全部换上DVD,然后又是D9版,忙得不亦乐乎。进入新世纪之后,出现了红光高清,我的书柜第三次被折腾。这回轮到DVD下岗,代之以EVD、HVD、HDV、FVD等高清影碟,以及D-VHS高清数字录影带,五花八门。去年,又添置了更多红光高清的刻录碟,书柜再次被塞满。一代接一代的碟片更替,记不得烧掉我多少银两。其实大部分碟片只看过一二回,太可惜。今天我终于放聪明了,或许将来某一天,网络播放机真能淘汰光碟。因此下决心捂紧钱袋,不再做可怜的二百五。要第四次折腾我的书柜,把蓝光影碟换下红光高清,我死也不干! As early as 1993, after I bought the first Philips CD-I, I began to collect VCDs. At that time, the asking price for genuine movies was three digits. VCD than VHS clear than LD easy to collect. 5 years, filled with a bookcase. Unexpectedly, the situation is not long, followed by DVD market, the picture clearer. So turned the bookcase upside down, VCD sent to send, lost lost. Another five years have passed, all have been replaced by DVD, then D9 version, too busy. After entering the new century, there appeared red HD, my bookcase was tossing for the third time. This time turn DVD laid-off, replaced by EVD, HVD, HDV, FVD and other HD discs, as well as D-VHS HD digital video, variety. Last year, more red HD discs were added and the bookcase was filled again. Generation after generation of disc replacement, can not remember how much I burn two silver. In fact, most of the discs have seen only one or two back, so pity. Today I finally put smart, maybe one day in the future, the network player really can discard the disc. So determined to hold tight purse, no longer do poor two hundred and five. Fourth time to toss my bookcase, the Blu-ray Disc replaced by red HD, I die or not!
目的 以产妇合并妊娠糖尿病患者(以下简称为“妊娠糖尿病产妇”)为例,对优质护理模式对妊娠糖尿病产妇不良妊娠结局的影响进行分析评价.方法 本次采取随机数字表法,将我院在2
初春季节,寒意未消,户外驾车或维修车辆,如不注意保护皮肤,在手掌、足底、脚趾、脚跟等部位常会出现裂口,医学上称为手足皮肤皲裂,是一种在冬春季节常见的皮肤病。 发病的原
目的 对在糖尿病患者护理中应用运动指导联合饮食干预的效果进行探究.方法 选择我院收治的糖尿病患者86例作为本次研究纳入的研究对象,按照随机数字表法将其划分为常规组和联