把握课堂反馈 实施有效课堂

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在课堂教学中,教师的教学活动与学生的学习活动始终处在同一过程中。要想课堂教学始终在师生情绪的最佳状态之中进行,欲取得教学上的最佳效果,就要认真研究教师在课堂教学中的应变能力,换言之,就是要研究课堂反馈能力。在课堂教学中,教师想要达到预期的教学目的,就要不断地把自己头脑中储存的信息输送给学生,这信息作用于学生,必须引起学生的反应,从而表现为把教师输入的这些信息再以不同的方式输出来。学生的信息输出情况能反映教学效果的好坏。由于学生的知识基础和智能的差异,对信息的输出一般不会相同,有的部分输出,有的同时发出新的信息。经验丰富、反馈能力强的教师能根据学生信息输出的情况,灵活地、及时地调整自己的教案,调整讲课中进度上的快慢,知识上的深浅,或改用适当的教学方法。教师能够自如地适应课堂上出现的千变万化的情况,及时反馈,因势利导,这是一种很高的教学的艺术。 In classroom teaching, teachers’ teaching activities and student learning activities are always in the same process. To classroom teaching always in the best state of teachers and students in the mood, to obtain the best teaching effect, we must carefully study the teacher’s ability to adapt to the classroom teaching, in other words, is to study the classroom feedback ability. In classroom teaching, teachers want to achieve the intended purpose of teaching, we must continue to put the information stored in their minds to the students, this information on the students, students must respond to the performance of the teacher to the input of these information Then output in a different way. The information output of students can reflect the quality of teaching. Due to students’ knowledge base and intelligent differences, the output of information is generally not the same, some of the output, some at the same time send new information. Experienced and feedback teachers can flexibly and promptly adjust their lesson plan according to the output of students’ information, and adjust the speed, knowledge and appropriate teaching method of lectures. Teachers can freely adapt to the ever-changing situation in the classroom, timely feedback, make the best use of the situation, this is a very high teaching art.
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华友国词 方瑛曲 2一4 弓一魂 C 一一 每分钟106拍充满喜悦、大气 (言 言有}鲤鑫 全业}鲤全,全业 舀............... ....... 、.声 O一 1 11 第二段不小反 Z一、、洲沪一、
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