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黑龙江省哈尔滨市松江拖拉机制造厂的广大革命职工,认真贯彻执行毛主席“自力更生”、“艰苦奋斗”和“备战、备荒、为人民”的伟大战略方针,发扬敢想敢干的革命精神,采取了“三结合”的方法,自行设计,制造出新曙光80-Ⅰ型集材拖拉机。这是一种新型的绞接式大马力四轮驱动集材拖拉机。经过使用实验表明,拖拉机性能指标超过了现有同类型产品,达到了国内比较先进水平,深受广大林业工人欢迎。其主要性能 The vast number of revolutionary workers in Harbin Songjiang Tractor Manufacturing Factory in Heilongjiang Province earnestly implemented the great strategic principle of “self-reliance”, “arduous struggle” and “preparing for war, preparing for war and for the people” of Chairman Mao, and carried forward the revolutionary spirit of daring to think and dare to take The “three combined” approach, to design, create a new dawn 80-Ⅰ type of tractor. This is a new type of articulated high-powered four-wheel drive skidder tractor. After the use of experiments show that the tractor performance indicators over existing products of the same type, reached the domestic advanced level, welcomed by the majority of forestry workers. Its main performance
9.平座型火花塞( )。A.只能配用1个密封垫圈,不得多用或少用B.只能配用2个密封垫圈,不得多用或少用C.对配用的密封垫圈数量没有限制D.可以不使用密封垫圈10.一般说来,压缩比高的发
The transport mechanisms of four-conjugated systems were comparatively studied by combining ATK and Gaussian 03 calculations.It was found that the charge-doped
A novel dinuclear zinc(Ⅱ)complex[Zn_2L(μ-OAc)](PF_6)_2(CH_3OH)has been synthesized from a new symmetrical compartmental ligand HL in which the pendant arms,be
新疆杨是新疆的乡土树种,耐瘠薄、盐碱和干旱,抗病虫、风沙和严寒,生长迅速,树干端直,木材坚实,树型美观,是优良的用材、防风和观赏的树种之一。 但是,新疆杨扦插愈合生根缓
Some ion-associated species existed possibly in NaNO_3 solution were investigated via the ab-initio method. The hydrated ion parings,triple and multiple ion clu
综述·专论对加入 WTO后广西蔗糖业发展的几点意见 1(1)………我国加入 WTO后的广西农业产业化 1(4)………………广西淮山生产现状及发展对策 1(7)………………………灰色关