
来源 :固体电子学研究与进展 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tyycyf
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The P type semiconducting polymer polianiline (PAn) films have been prepared on n and p type si chips by photo-electrochemical and electrochemical polymerization, and so the semiconducting polymer PAn/silicon heterojunctions have been fabricated. The I dark-V and I photo-V curves, as well as C-V curves at different frequencies have been measured and the energy band diagrams, the distributions of impurity density and the interface states have been analyzed for the heterojunctions. It is demonstrated experimentally that the n-p Si-PAn heterojunction possesses fine photoelectrical characteristics. The P type semiconducting polymers polianiline (PAn) films have been prepared on n and p type si chips by photo-electrochemical and electrochemical polymerization, and so the semiconducting polymer PAn / silicon heterojunctions have been fabricated. The I dark-V and I photo- V curves, as well as CV curves at different frequencies have been measured and the energy band diagrams, the distributions of impurity density and the interface states have been analyzed for the heterojunctions. It is demonstrated experimentally that the np Si-PAn heterojunction possesses fine photoelectrical characteristics.
Presented here are a combined Rayleigh, Raman and photolumines-cence studies of AlxGa1-xAs alloy grown by molecular-beam-epitaxy. The Rayleigh intensity is foun
本文研究了饲料粉碎机锤片激光熔敷WC—Co硬质合金工艺、性能及装机考核结果,硬度达HRC71,耐磨性比原工艺提高五倍,经济效益和社会效益显著。 In this paper, the process,
75岁,安徽贵池人,毕业于第二军医大学。现为上海苍松书画社社员;东方中日书画协会会员;振鸣书画院名誉院长;海峡两岸书画家联谊会会员;孟海印社常务理事。 75 years old, An
Nearly single-phase and polycrystalline charge-density-wave compound K_(0.3)MoO_3 have been prepared by using a simple method.In this work,K_2CO_3 and MoO_3 wer