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黑宝石李,果扁圆形(其他李均是椭圆形或牛心形),果面深黑色,光滑铮亮,犹如黑色的宝石一般(见彩页)。果从7月中旬着色(变黑)到8月底成熟,悬挂的时间长,具有较高的观赏价值。而且果实个大,单果重150~200克,味甜,耐贮放。更可贵的是,植株易栽好管,抗寒、抗病、抗逆性强,对土质要求不严,南北各地均可栽植。对普通爱好者来说,盆栽并不难。 Black gem Lee, Guo oblate (other Li are oval or cow heart), fruit dark black, smooth and bright, like a black gem in general (see color pages). Fruit from the mid-July coloring (darkening) to mature by the end of August, hanging a long time, with a high ornamental value. And a large fruit, fruit weight 150 ~ 200 grams, sweet, resistant to storage. More valuable is that the plant is easy to plant a good tube, cold, disease resistance, strong resistance, the strict requirements of the soil, north and south can be planted around. For ordinary fans, potted plants are not difficult.
总结成都市一例输入型新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)病例的临床特点及岀院后2次新冠病毒核酸检测阳性的过程,为临床管理此类病例提供经验.回顾性分析
该品种系云南省农科院园艺所于1970~1989年用黄奎×富士组合 ,经过系谱选育而成。1999年8月 ,经省农作物品种审定委员会审定通过 ,编号 :滇苹果2号。历年区试在杭病性、果实品质、果实耐贮性
对1例境外误诊为登革热的新型冠状病毒肺炎(coronavirus disease 2019,COVID-19)进行流行病学调査,探讨被误诊的可能关键环节,为制定登革热流行期的新型冠状病毒肺炎防控策略