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北京市发改委张燕友委员指出,当这两年首都服务业发展一路高歌的同时,首都工业生产已从“在调整中发展”进入“在发展中调整”的阶段.2008年1月5日,首钢总公司向社会郑重宣布:经过一年多的统筹规划和周密部署,首钢北京地区涉钢产业压产400万吨的工作正式启动.2008年首钢北京地区将按照原有产能规模的一半,即420万吨钢组织生产.“,”When talking about development situation of manufacturing industry in Beijing,Mr.Zhang Yanyou,commissioner of Beijing Municipal Commission of Development and Reform,pointed out that,while service industry has been growing well since last two years,industry in Beijing not only has maintained development situation in a stable and good way,but also has basically realized in a shift from slipshod to intensivism. Traditional manufacturing industries high pollution and energy- consuming have gradually retreated from Beijing,and hi-tech and modernized manufacturing industries have been key roles in indsutrial development.Beijing industry has been in an era of“to adjust in process of development”instead of“to development in process of adjustment”. Mr.zhang continue to say:“According to my opinion,there exist two characters in Beijing industry development in 2007: First,the total volume of industry outcome has increased steadily,and the efficiency has improved greatly.From Jan.to Nov.,the scaled industrial enterprises of Beijing have made overall outcome of RMB852.49 billion,with a growth rate of 17%,compared to the same period of last year. The comprehensive efficiency index of the scaled industrial economy of Beijing has grown 16.03%,compared to the same period of last year.The total profit is RMB56.03 billion,among which,the sub-total profit of hi-tech industry and modern manufacturing industry have increased 50.7% and 38.1% respectively,compared to the same period of last year. The industrial energy consuming has decreased notably while the economic efficiency has increased greatly.In the first quarter of 2007,the total amount of energy consuming attribute to industrial enterprises was 5.3915 million tons of standard coal, with a decrease rate of 0.19% compared to the same period of last year.The energy consuming per industrial value-added of RMB10000 was 1.32 tons of standard coal,with a decrease rate of 12.94%,compared to the same period of last year. Second,the industrial structure has been gradually upgraded,and the layout has been more optimized.It is materialized that hi-tech industry and modern manufacturing industry have been the main growth engines of Beijing industry, with a more clear tendency of light-industry-orientation, symbolizing a development tendency of hi-end industry in Beijing. Moreover,it is obvious that Beijing industry is expanding to economic development zones and new towns.During the first 3 quarters,the sub-total industrial outcome in economic development zones is RMB390.22 billion,accounted 57.2% of scaled industrial enterprises in Beijing.From Jan.to Nov.,the industrial value-added in new town.s is RMB76.54 billion,with a growth rate of 17.1%,.compared to the same period of last year. which means more optimized layout of industry in Beijing. During that period,the tendency of Beijing industry development has been clear:speed-up M&A,emphasizing on self-innovation,enhanced open policy and cooperation,expanded financing sources,focusing on amalgamation and development. Commissioner Zhang mentioned that,from now on,Beijing will pay great efforts in upgrading those pillar industry such as electronic information,automobile,equipment manufacturing, chemipetro new materials,etc.,and in fostering potential industries such as bio-pharmacy,new energy and environmental protection industry,and optimizing in developing urban industry, and leading development in industrial design,and promoting integration between information and industry,and extending service industry into manufacturing industry chain,on purpose of pushing Beijing industry into a development situation of”hi-end, light and intensive“. Besides,Commissioner Zhang emphasized that,those industries which are in accordance with the functional positioning and layout requirement of Beijing will be adjusted during the period of”11th Five-year-plan“,and those industries with hi- consuming in energy,hi-pollution and low value-added will be definitely driven out.More efforts will be paid in upgrading and renovated,and industries with out-dated technology will be eliminated by the relevant laws,and those small enterprises which are harmful for natural resources,polluting environment and without production safety,will be shut down.The concept of”Green Manufacturing"will be actualized in Beijing industry.
从《非常浪漫》的迅速蹿红,到金鸡百花电影节获奖作品《好奇害死猫》,再到之后的《中国往事》《闯关东》,小宋佳的演艺道路走得格外顺畅。     “我和谁合作都没有压力”    电视剧《闯关东》一经播出就十分火爆。小宋佳正是靠剧中“鲜儿”一角,让自己家喻户晓。剧中,小宋佳与李幼斌饰演的“朱开山”有许多对手戏。  继《闯关东》之后,在热播的古玩题材的悬疑电视剧《雾里看花》中,小宋佳再次与李幼斌合作。小宋佳
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