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在石家庄市北部郊区,107国道旁边,有一个很不起眼的小村——庄窠村,全村只有602口人,百余亩耕地。改革开放前,这里还是一个不被人注意的小穷村,改革开放后,20多岁的霍惠敏被推选为村党支部书记。从此,庄窠村命运便与霍惠敏紧紧联系在一起。村里的老党员这样评价:“庄窠村的好日子离不开霍惠敏,离不开团结务实的领导班子。”一桩买卖有胆有魄1978年,党的十一届三中全会胜利召开,中国人民渡过了十年灾难的岁月,一代伟人邓小平坚定不移地扯起改革开放的大旗,领导全国人民投身到轰轰烈烈的改革大潮中。此时,在部队的大熔炉里熔炼了几年的霍惠敏,一身戎装回到了生他、养他的庄窠村,成为村办塑料编织厂的一名业务员。一年的业务员生涯,使他的聪明才智得到最佳发挥。第二年,老书记让他当了塑料编织厂分厂厂长。他 In the northern outskirts of Shijiazhuang City, 107 State Road, there is a very small village - Zhuang 窠 village, the village only 602 people, more than 100 acres of arable land. Before the reform and opening up, here is still a small village not to be noticed, after the reform and opening up, 20-year-old Huo Huimin was elected village party branch secretary. Since then, the fate of Zhuangcun village and Huo Huimin closely linked together. The old party members in the village commented: “The good days in Zhuangtang village can not be separated from Huo Huimin and we can not do without the united and pragmatic leadership.” "In 1978, the victory of the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party Held, the Chinese people passed the decade-long disaster. The great man Deng Xiaoping unswervingly pulled the banner of reform and opening up and led the people of the entire country to join the vigorous reform tide. At this time, Huo Min-min, who had been smelting for years in the melting pot of the army, returned to life with him in a military uniform and became a salesman in the village-run plastic weaving factory. A year of salesman career, so that his wisdom and wisdom to get the best play. The second year, the old secretary let him as a plastic braid factory manager. he
目的:研究人端粒酶逆转录酶(human telom erase reverse transcriptase,hTERT)与P糖蛋白与bcl2蛋白在胰腺癌组织中的表达及其关系和临床意义。方法:用链霉抗生物素蛋白生物素
无害性杂音(Innocent mn rmur)又称生理性杂音,这个名称是Evans于1943年首次提出,以后逐渐被临床普遍使用。无害性杂音的含义是指心血管系统并无疾病存在、或心脏内外均无构造及
祝敏进带着她的作品进北京已不是头一回了。 1995年10月,这位计算机工程师经历了最难忘的一段日子。她带着用丝绸布头千针百线缝制精巧的工艺品,风尘仆仆地来到北京参加第四
综述了HG-1稀土催化剂应用情况,并从理论上进行了分析,认为HG-1稀土催化剂是一种性能十分优良的催化剂。 The application of HG-1 rare earth catalyst is reviewed and theoreticall