Cultivation Medium for a Selenium-accumulating Strain of Flammulina velutipes Optimized Using Respon

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Response Surface Methodology(RSM) was applied to optimize selected process settings for cultivating a selenium-accumulating Flammulina velutipes strain using submerged fermentation. According to single factorial experiments, corn starch and soybean cake meal were the most suitable carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively among the various materials examined. Application of Full Factorial Design for evaluating the importance of four media components (corn starch, soybean cake meal, KH_ 2 PO_ 4 and MgSO_ 4 ·7H_ 2 O) revealed corn starch and soybean cake meal to be the most influential factors. Steepest ascent procedures were applied to define the optimal response region for these two factors, and the optimal factor concentrations were confirmed as 28.8 g/L corn starch and 14.2 g/L soybean cake meal using Central Composite Designs and RSM. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was applied to optimize selected process settings for cultivating a selenium-accumulating Flammulina velutipes strain using submerged fermentation. According to the present invention, corn starch and soybean cake meal were the most suitable carbon and nitrogen sources, respectively among the various materials examined. Application of Full Factorial Design for evaluating the importance of four media components (corn starch, soybean cake meal, KH 2 PO 4 and MgSO 4 7H 2 O) revealed corn starch and soybean cake meal to be the most influential factors Steepest ascent procedures were applied to define the optimal response region for these two factors, and the optimal factor concentrations were confirmed as 28.8 g / L corn starch and 14.2 g / L soybean cake meal using Central Composite Designs and RSM.
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