
来源 :艺术市场 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kungm
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2006年中国艺术品市场风云不断、高潮迭起,然而繁荣的背后所隐藏的矛盾和危机也日益凸显,伪作赝品盛行即是其中之一。伪作赝品的盛行不仅扰乱了正常的市场秩序,也侵害了艺术家的权益和购藏者的利益。有些书画家为保护自己的权益不受侵犯,不得不站出来为自己的作品打假。一石激起千层浪,“史国良打假案”引起了社会的普遍关注,也再一次引发艺术市场中对“书画鉴定谁说了算?”“画家应不应该打假?”等问题的争议。 In 2006, the Chinese art market is in a constantly changing and climax situation. However, the contradictions and crises hidden behind the prosperity are also increasingly prominent. The prevalence of counterfeit fakes is one of them. The prevalence of counterfeit fakes has not only disturbed the normal market order, but also infringed upon the rights of artists and the interests of buyers. Some calligraphists and painters are not infringed on to protect their own rights and interests and have to stand up and fight against their own works. A stone aroused the Melaleuca waves, “Shi Guoliang crackdown” has aroused widespread concern in the community, but also once again lead to the art market on the “calligraphy and painting appraisal who count?” “Painter should not fight?” And other issues of controversy.
本文提出了一种三组中位数综合点求回归线的稳健估计方法,并进行理论探讨,介绍实例应用。 This paper proposes a method for robust estimation of three sets of median c
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本文报道了选用大孔吸附树脂富集、纯化绞股蓝皂甙后,用比色法测定含量的方法.该法操作简便、灵敏、结果准确。 This paper reported the method of determining the conten