Distribution of methane and its homologues in low-layer atmosphere over eastern China and seas

来源 :中国科学通报:英文版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xieyl2010
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系统,测试的定点和长观察和样品在东方中国和海区域上在低层的空中弄明白甲烷和相当或相同事物的分布。在从中等、强烈的地震的震中的大约 250 km 以内,油气体区域在地震附近在低层的空气有甲烷集中异例和 CO2 异例,让温度在中等、强烈的地震的出现由 1 鈥? 掳C 增加并且在低层的空中显示甲烷家庭的那个集中异例能为石油 geochemical 被用作一个重要索引探索。
LET R and R<sub>1</sub> be skew-fields with centres F and F<sub>1</sub>, where F F<sub>1</sub> and |F|】2. By M<sub>n</sub> (R)and I<sub>n</sub>(R) we denote the F-
IN recent years, giant magneto-resistance (GMR) effects have been observed in some binary composite systems such as multi-layered and granular films of Fe, Co,
IN this note all graphs are undirected, finite and simple. For a subgraph H of G,ε(H) andμ(H) denote the number of edges in H and the number of cycles in H respec
<正> 陈先生是我们的忠实读者,前不久致电编辑部,说是最近正为一件家庭小事苦恼,爱美的妻子极为呵护自己的双手,早已宣布今后不再洗碗碟,一来担心油腻腻的碗碟会使双手变得粗
where γ(v) = a(v- b)<sup>2</sup> + c with positive a, b, c. As a simple mathematical model ofmono-species forest with two age classes it takes account of seed prod
褐煤的 humilith 系列,长火焰的煤,煤气的煤,胖煤, coking 煤,瘦煤,瘦煤并且被 FIR-1600 红外线的 spectrophotorneter 白煤测量。在 vitrinite 和它的反射价值的芳香戒指的 C=C 债