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在我的心目中,爸爸是一只好大好大的船,妈妈是一张洁白洁白的帆,我是一叶随波荡漾的扁舟。船扬起了帆、帆推动了船,它们带领着小舟,在生活之海中劈波斩浪,勇往直前! 当然,在碧波万顷的海洋中,风平浪静的时刻并不多见,更多的是海风和大浪的侵袭。爸爸在税务机关工作,闲暇时喜欢舞文弄墨,常有杂文见诸报端,是位小有名气的业余作家。一天,深夜。爸爸拖着疲惫的身躯回到了家,妈妈端茶倒水,忙得不亦乐乎。我兴奋地向爸爸讲述学校的趣事,爸爸却只是机械地点头,不置可否,仿佛一位历经沧桑的老者,神情庄重而静穆。我很纳闷,不知老爸究竟遇到了什么不顺心的事情。夜深了,苍茫的夜空闪烁着几点星光,月亮把它的余辉 In my mind, Dad is a big ship. My mother is a white and white sail. I am a boat that swings with waves. The boat lifted sails and sails propelled the boat. They led the boat, wavered in the sea of ​​life, and marched forward! Of course, in the ocean of blue waves, the moments of calmness are rare, and the sea winds and waves are more invading. . Dad works in the tax authorities. He enjoys dancing and ink during his leisure time. His essays often appear in newspapers and is a famous amateur writer. One day, late night. Dad dragged his tired body back home, his mother tea pouring, busy too busy. I excitedly talked to Dad about the school’s fun facts. Dad just nodded mechanically, and it wasn’t like it. It was like a veteran who had gone through many vicissitudes of life and looked solemn and quiet. I am puzzled. I do not know what happened to my father. Late at night, the night sky glowed with a few stars, the moon took its afterglow
1.He is now between the devil and the deepsea as it seems there is no way out for him.他现在处于魔鬼和深海之间,因为他似乎无路可走?在学习英文时,学者无可避免地会
本期智者网站的讨论话题为“水的污染与防治”。有三位网民正坐在“智者聊天室”的嘉宾席上,静候交流会的开始。现在,首先进行嘉宾介绍: 网民A:××公园园长网民B:××渔塘
第一部分:听力略第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空。(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21.—
右图:3月25日上午8时,上海漕溪北路南丹路口,交警处罚一辆骑滑板车的人。  下图:机动车直线变道、连续变道,非机动车逆向行驶,行人乱穿马路……这些在马路上易出现的突出违法行为,由于只发生在短短数秒甚至一瞬间,向来是道路交通执法管理中的难点。上海杨浦警方在全市率先为警用摩托车装设行车记录仪,通过这些移动“鹰眼”,动态取证马路上的“瞬间违法”。  上图:3月24日晚高峰,海宁路西藏路口,接受处罚的车