时间性 时效性 时宜性

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新闻报道要及时,因为及时和新闻价值是密不可分的。但是,什么样的新闻才算及时呢?这里牵涉到一个时间性和时效性的问题。现在,不少同志往往把新闻的时间性和时效性混为一谈,以为它们不过是同一概念的不同提法而已。其实,它们是既有联系又有区别的两个概念。时间性是指事实发生和公开报道之间的时间差;时效性是指新闻在一定时间内产生的社会效果。我们知道,新闻是受一定的社会生产方式制约的。不同的生产方式对新闻及时性的标准是不同的。在资本主义发达国家,由于生产力 News coverage should be timely, because timely and news value are inseparable. However, what kind of news is considered timely? Here involves a problem of timeliness and timeliness. Nowadays, many comrades often confuse the timeliness and timeliness of news with the idea that they are merely different formulations of the same concept. In fact, they are two concepts that are both connected and different. Time refers to the time difference between the occurrence of the facts and the public coverage; timeliness refers to the social effects of the news in a certain period of time. We know that news is governed by certain modes of social production. Different modes of production have different standards of timeliness of news. In capitalist developed countries, due to productivity
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